Who Owns You?
Ten cool mill from the Egyptian dictator
Shady real estate deals with the Saudi’s
Crooked bribes and shakedowns
Russia, China, Turkey, Hungary
The White House is for sale
Who owns you baby?
You demanded 40 bill from the oil industry
In exchange for ending renewable energy
You offered an end to regulation of the
Technology industry in exchange for
Unspecified billions
Who owns you baby?
You informed the Wall Street bankers and
Dealers that there is a price to ending the
Oversight the prevents the next great
Economic meltdown
Who owns you baby?
The one sure thing is that you owe nothing
To the suckers and working saps who gave
You their time, dollars and praise to get
You elected
You owe nothing to the militant fools
Who gave you their blood and freedom
To enforce your uprising and insurrection
Who owns you baby?
The big money interests who promise to
Give you riches in exchange for unspoken