Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Fix


The Fix


The fix is in

Only it ain’t the Democrats

Say what you will

Democrats don’t fix elections

Republicans do

Trump Republicans are committed to it

They’ve dedicated time and resources

To taking over local election boards

It’s always the one who cries foul the loudest

Who is most guilty of the crime


Three months before hand

We know what’s coming

Trump Republicans will claim victory

Regardless of the vote count

Their operatives will refuse to certify results

Trump wants the win

He wants his vindication

He wants his vengeance

He wants his retribution

Even more than victory at the polls


He wants a civil war

He wants to take the White House by force

He wants his minions to do it for him

You say you don’t believe me?

Wait three months and see

Or take action now to make sure

It doesn’t happen


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Bebe's War


Bebe’s War


It is not the thing itself

It’s the timing of the thing itself

With the Middle East ready to explode

With a ceasefire in negotiations

With a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza

With Hezbollah firing rockets from Lebanon

Netanyahu orders a strike in Tehran

Inviting a broader war

A war engaging the world’s powers


Israel has a right to defend herself

Israel has a right to kill those responsible

For the October 7th attack

Targeted assassination was the proper

Response to the assault

But to wait until Gaza is decimated

To wait until tens of thousands are dead

Homes, schools, hospitals destroyed

To wait for mass starvation


Netanyahu has left us no doubt

This war will go on and on

As long as he is still in power

This is Bebe’s war

And Bebe’s war has no end

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Kara-Murza Rises


Kara-Murza Rises


Kara-Murza rises from his cell

He followed in Navalny’s steps

A Russian with a wicked tale to tell

Where some tease Kara-Murza leapt


The man has his freedom now

Give thanks to world diplomacy

He swears he’ll carry on now

The dream of Russian democracy


We must hope he will be well

In whatever country he chooses

Let us hope he rings that bell

Let us hope the madman loses


Navalny is remembered well

Kara-Murza is his voice

He rises from the depths of hell

To help his people win a choice


What happens next no one knows

He will work to advance the cause

Ghosts will follow wherever he goes

He must sharpen up his claws


Monday, August 05, 2024

Iran Speaks


Iran Speaks


Despite all the horrors we have heard

In their defense of Palestine

The Iranian people give their word

The cause of peace is on their minds


They have chosen a moderate leader

Who wants relations with the west

They say he’s a true believer

The path of peace is always best


He wants to ease the harsh restrictions

On the moral code for all

He has expressed a strong conviction

That some restraints should fall


We can’t expect a lot of change

The ayatollah is still in charge

But the furniture is rearranged

Basic change is always hard


At least it is a forward step

Away from war and oppression

For once the hard line overslept

Letting go their hard obsessions


Sunday, August 04, 2024

Olympian Values


Olympian Values


Watching the American Olympic team

I am reminded of our virtue

We are a diverse lot

People of all shapes and sizes

Colors and distinctions

Black, white, yellow and brown

Blend in a tapestry of excellence

We are America!


What others consider weakness

Has always been our strength

We exemplify the Olympic spirit

We bring it all to life

The Olympics bring together

Athletes from around the globe

Dedicated to the brotherhood of competition

Committed to crowning glory

Without regard to race or culture

We are the world

We are the Olympic spirit

We are its diversity, its excellence and its wonder


Never lose sight of those values

Hold on to the dream