Saturday, September 07, 2024

Berlin Lament


Berlin Lament


The rise of the right in Germany

Makes us wonder where decency went

Their success in the recent elections

Has us singing the Berlin lament


It reminds us we can never rest

We must always be on guard

To face the latest fascist test

To stand up though it may be hard

To put forth our democratic best

While they play the racist card


We applaud our fellows in Germany

Who rise in democracy’s defense

We must never yield to their pressure

Lest we sing the Berlin lament


Thursday, September 05, 2024

For the Workers


For the Workers


Stand up for the working folks

As they fight for a decent wage

The corporations pad their profits

The workers have their rage


If the corporates have their way

The workers will have no rights

The only time they have a say

Is when they go on strike


The hotel workers walk the line

Their raise is way overdue

To us they’re looking for a sign

A good reason to vote blue


In the year of an election

The workers hold the power

Give them what they want and need

A living wage per hour


The fight for labor never ends

We know you’re growing tired

But know your enemies and your friends

And which ones we should fire


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

People of Israel Rising


People of Israel Rising


The people of Israel are rising

Fed up with your dirty war

Fed up with your phony efforts

Sickened to their very core


They’re tired of supporting you

You think you’re so damn clever

Without regard for what you do

You want a war to fight forever


You’ll always have another reason

As the blood flows down the streets

Another war for every season

Your anger fuels the heat


Bring all your people home today

The people you did not defend

It doesn’t matter what you say

It is time for your war to end


The people are your masters

Not the other way around

Your way has been a great disaster

Have the courage to step down


Monday, September 02, 2024

We're Still There


We’re Still There


We invaded Iraq without provocation

We created the backlash of ISIS

We proved ourselves an imperial nation

When we exploited the 911 crisis


ISIS became a growing concern

When we left Iraq in tatters

The conquering nations never learn

As every empire shatters


We left Iraq an absolute mess

Iran exploited our disaster

We did what often we do best

When ambition is our master


We lost the war to national pride

But not the kind you’re thinking

The pride was on the other side

Our ship of state was sinking


We left Iraq many years ago

We were caught in a dragon’s lair

As doubt in our intentions grow

We acknowledge we’re still there


Sunday, September 01, 2024

Indiscriminate Bombing


Indiscriminate Bombing


Indiscriminate bombing is a crime against humanity

Putin’s bombing of Ukraine is a testament to insanity

He doesn’t care how many die

How many mothers and fathers cry

He is immune to human emotion

Brutality is his method, cruelty his devotion

He is a monster plain and clear

He rules by ruthlessness and fear

When his war comes to an end

He’ll have no allies and no friends

Except the man at Mar-a-Lago

Whose moral founding is Iago

He will be a wanted man

The world will bind him if we can

And we will try him for his crimes

Among the monsters of all time