Saturday, August 17, 2024

World Class Liar



World Class


Someone you know is a world class liar

An elephant’s ass and a climate denier

Light a match and he’ll catch on fire

He will finish last from wire to wire


We’ll name him if we must

Take a guess, it’s Elon Musk

He’s got a prime seat on the loser’s bus

He’s with the weird, he’s not with us


He’s got an outrageous amount of money

That doesn’t make him smart or funny

He’s a dark, dark day when all is sunny

When he laughs it’s almost stunning


His friends? He doesn’t have them

He’s like a flower without a stem

Or a brand-new building that’s been condemned

He’s a robot among good men


His spotlight days will come and go

He’s shamed by all the things we know

He’s a curtain up without a show

His know-it-all has lost its glow


Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Crack


The Crack


A crack in the wall of lies

The myth of Putin’s might

A blow that fate defies

A glimmering of light


Ukraine strikes across the border

What now can be done?

What now of Russia’s order?

A war that can’t be won


The crack will grow in size

A dark canyon of growing doubt

The Russian people finally rise

To demand that they get out


Putin’s madness is now exposed

His infallibility shattered

Remember the day Ukrainians rose

And the Russian conscripts scattered


Bring your forlorn soldiers home

While there’s still a chance to save face

Before your nation you stand alone

There is for you no place


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Maduro's Betrayal


Maduro’s Betrayal


Simon Bolivar was a great man

Leader of the people’s revolution

Father of Latin American democracy

He dreamed of a free continent

Where the poor were poor no more

Where the power served the people

And the people served themselves


After decades of betrayal

By the drivers of western wealth

The rubber, fruit and oil barons

The ones who stole their resources

And left behind a poisoned land

A leader rose in Venezuela

His name was Hugo Chavez

He held forth a dream and a promise

A revival of the Bolivarian revolution

A return of power to the people

An end to soul-crushing poverty

An embrace of true democracy

In Venezuela and beyond


He delivered on that dream

In some measure for a while

He delivered food and health care

He gave rise to people’s hopes

But the power of the privileged class

Forced him to compromise

He lost hold of the dream

He lost hold of his principles

He lost hold of his pride


The nation he handed to his successor

Was a shadow of what it was

No longer a vibrant growing country

No longer one of promise or of hope

Nicolas Maduro took the reins and

Drove the nation off a cliff

He chose the way of power

He chose the way of wealth


Now the people of Venezuela suffer

In hunger and desperation

Poverty of spirit and of wealth

They flee in masses to the north

Where life can be no harder than it is


Nicolas Maduro: Let go of your power

Let go of your wealth

Retain some semblance of your pride

Until democracy is restored

There is no hope

And the Bolivarian revolution

Is but a dream


Monday, August 12, 2024

Stand Up!


Stand Up


Standing up for what is right is

A sacred obligation

Standing for our nation’s pride

Against discrimination


We see forces against the light

Standing up for hate

We fear the voices of the right

Are standing up too late


They’re standing all across the world

They’re standing in the streets

When good people stand together

We will hand them a defeat


There are more of us than them

Though they are brash and loud

Our strength is in our virtue

Together we stand proud


We’ll stand up for minorities

We’ll stand up for the poor

We’ll stand against oppressors

And their dirty little wars


(The British stand against fascism.)


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Moving the Homeless


Moving the Homeless


It doesn’t matter whether you call them

The unhoused, homeless or unsheltered

The unhoused are homeless

The homeless have no shelter


The homeless have always been

As long as the river runs

As long as the sun rises in the east

During the Great Depression

The homeless lived in Hoovervilles

Or followed the rails in hobo camps

There were soup kitchens for the poor

There were shelters from the storm

When times got rough in one place

The cops moved them along

The railroad bulls beat them

Catch em if you can


We’ve come a long way since then

But the homeless are still here

In ever increasing numbers

They camped in parks until the rangers

Came around to push them out

They camped by the riverside until

The river cops pushed them out

They camped on the streets until

The street cops pushed them out


I don’t know what the solution is

But pushing the homeless from one

Camp to another is not an answer

It’s just a way of avoiding the question

We have a right to expect some service

Of all individuals – even the homeless –

In exchange, individuals have a right to

Expect fulfillment of basic needs

Including food and shelter