Saturday, November 11, 2023

A Fool's Revenge



A Fool’s Revenge


One thing is clear for all to understand

Israel has played into the enemy’s hand


The enemy struck like a thief in the night

Knowing that Israel would show her might


Their brutality came in the form of a dare

To strike back hard without mercy or care


What the enemy did deserves to be cursed

But Israel’s vengeance may well be worse


For the whole world rises in condemnation

Israel’s cruelty goes beyond salvation


The world has forgotten the original crime

The path to redemption is a long hard climb


Thursday, November 09, 2023

The Censure of Rashida Tlaib



The Censure of Rashida Tlaib


A curse on both your houses

How dare you use my name

To censure an honest colleague

For not bowing down in shame


She spoke her solemn truth

Though you may not like her tone

Few in congress will back her

But her beliefs are not alone


She speaks for those who have no voice

She speaks for those you do not hear

Though they are dying by the thousands

You refuse to shed a tear


Yes we cry for all of Israel

Should we not cry for Palestine too?

We will not cry for Hamas

Nor will we cry for Netanyahu


She speaks out against genocide

No matter what else you’ve heard

I you want to end the endless horror

You should take her at her word


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Brain Drain in Moscow


Brain Drain in Moscow


They are leaving their homeland

They are leaving by the droves

They have lost all sense of loyalty

They have shed a heavy load


They do not leave because of courage

They leave because of shame

No longer can they bear the war

That’s being fought in their name


They are the brightest of their people

The kind who are not fooled

By the onslaught of propaganda

From the media to the schools


They leave behind the multitudes

Who lack the means of escape

Another legacy of their dirty war

Of torture, kidnap and rape


If you want to stop the brain drain

You must end your evil ways

End the reign of Vlad the Bad

End the terror in Ukraine


Monday, November 06, 2023

The Future of Europe


The Future of Europe


John McCain is turning in his grave

His Grand Old Party is Putin’s slave

What horrors do we have in store?

The republic betrayed to its core


If they fail to fund the war in Ukraine

Who will stop the dictator’s train

That runs through Poland to Denmark?

The future of Europe begins to look stark


No one wishes to foment war

But we ask what is worth fighting for?

Do we stand for freedom and democracy

Or do we bow down before autocracy?


The time has come to raise a voice

We are given a clear, decisive choice

Will we stand with liberty in this fight

Or do we yield knowing it is not right?


The only path to a lasting peace

Is a path that rolls from west to east

Put the wannabe emperor in his place

To the great relief of the human race


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Disproportionate Retribution


Disproportionate Retribution


Hamas lit the tinder box

Israel fanned the flames

But the tinder lay in Gaza

Long before it had a name


We know what you have suffered

As sentient beings we feel your pain

But how much more can we witness

Before your suffering is in vain?


We plead for your forgiveness

We beg you for relief

Too many children and their parents

Are buried in their grief


Too many innocents have died

To feed the gods of retribution

The cost is rising on both sides

Foreclosing hope for a solution


The ayatollah does not care

He wants this war to rage

He wants all of us to be scared

He does not want to turn the page


But Netanyahu is the same

He also needs the flames of war

For holy vengeance is his shame

He is a warrior to his core


If we want this war to end

We must take it in our hands

On love of peace we must depend

To heal this torn and ancient land