Saturday, June 01, 2024

Dissent in Hong Kong


Dissent in Hong Kong


There is no joy on the streets of Hong Kong

There is no discourse at all

There are martyr’s tears for Helena Wong *

Among the chosen to take the fall


A conspiracy to commit subversion

A trumped-up charge if ever there was

They claim the right to imprison anyone

No matter what one says or does


They stood for the right to public protest

They stood for Hong Kong’s independence

They face a lifetime behind cold bars

They were hardly allowed a defense


Today in Hong Kong you have no rights

Except for the right to silence

If you want to speak or raise a sign

Beijing’s answer is always violence


* Found guilty of Draconian security law

   (along with thirteen others).


Thursday, May 30, 2024

American Fascism


American Fascism


Trump is a fascist, plain and clear

There’s no way around it now

Terror is terror, fear is fear

A purple cow is still a cow


The man believes in one-man rule

As long as that man is him

He acts like a bully, talks like a fool

His light grows dimmer than dim


Yet his confidence is larger than life

His worst is better than all

If elected he will deliver strife

And the republic will surely fall


I’m not a fascist, you’re the one!

He will tell you at every chance

But mark my words before he’s done

Fascism is on the advance


It’s not too late to turn it around

But our prospects are looking slim

If in three months the market is down

The people may turn to him


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Human Tragedies


Human Tragedies


The wasteland from Texas to Missouri

mirrors the destruction from Gaza to Ukraine.


One is born of a human failure to learn and

understand how separate and distinct peoples

can live together in peace.


The other is born of a human failure to

understand and learn how our behavior

bears tragic consequences.


Until we learn how to accept our differences

without wanting to destroy each other we will

continue to foment wars of growing mass



Until we learn that pumping toxic waste

into our atmosphere distorts and corrupts

the natural processes of climate and extreme

weather we will continue to suffer ever greater

climate catastrophes. 


Differences in beliefs, religions, cultures, and

philosophies are natural and appropriate; the desire

to annihilate others and take their lands based on

those differences is unnatural, morbid and devoid

of basic humanity. 


Tornadoes, hurricanes and tidal waves are

natural if unfortunate; monster storms and

a chain of twisters five hundred miles long

are unnatural and a testament to human greed

and obstinacy.


If we are to choose humanity and nature over

greed and avarice, we must alter our behaviors

and beliefs to create a better world for all the

earth’s inhabitants.

Monday, May 27, 2024





We remember the soldiers

who gave their lives

for a cause that’s never certain


Some wars are righteous and necessary

Other wars are fought for greed

Even the good wars cannot be good

on both sides of the line


We remember all the soldiers

for their bravery and honor though

some were neither brave nor honorable


The loss is as severe for all

the soldiers and civilians caught

in the crossfire of war


We remember them and honor them

for they could well be us

We too would want to be remembered

We too would want to be honored


So we give them a day and remember them

We give them a day and pray their

lives were not given in vain


For all lives are precious

All lives should be remembered

All should be honored


We remember the dead for the living

We remember the living for the dead

Sunday, May 26, 2024





A candidate in Germany steps down

After expressing sympathy for the SS –

The elite Nazi enforcement unit


An American candidate for president

Takes down a campaign video

Expressing admiration for The Reich

As if he didn’t understand the reference


The Proud Boys are the SS without

The power of the state


The European right is marching goosestep

With Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

Accepting laundered money and propaganda


The NRA is a front for Russian money


One World News is a front for Russia


The propaganda war has begun and our side –

The side of freedom and democracy – for

there can be no freedom without democracy –

Has fallen asleep


Those who follow their fearless leader

Like sheep who have lost their way

Will awaken tomorrow in a nightmare


They too will be left behind

They will be discarded with the rest of us

For they will have lost their purpose

They placed the strongman in power

And now they are of no more use

We are vermin and they are sheep