Sunday, May 26, 2024





A candidate in Germany steps down

After expressing sympathy for the SS –

The elite Nazi enforcement unit


An American candidate for president

Takes down a campaign video

Expressing admiration for The Reich

As if he didn’t understand the reference


The Proud Boys are the SS without

The power of the state


The European right is marching goosestep

With Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

Accepting laundered money and propaganda


The NRA is a front for Russian money


One World News is a front for Russia


The propaganda war has begun and our side –

The side of freedom and democracy – for

there can be no freedom without democracy –

Has fallen asleep


Those who follow their fearless leader

Like sheep who have lost their way

Will awaken tomorrow in a nightmare


They too will be left behind

They will be discarded with the rest of us

For they will have lost their purpose

They placed the strongman in power

And now they are of no more use

We are vermin and they are sheep


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