Showing posts with label World Democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Democracy. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Evolution of World Order



Evolution of World Order


We are no longer the leader of the free world

We are the leader of the autocrats

We form a front of imperial powers

We desire to expand our territory

We are willing to use force (if necessary)

We will show no preference in trade

We will gradually withdraw from NATO

We will treat Europe as an adversary

We will absorb our northern neighbor

We will take control of Panama

We will take control of Greenland

We will hold Mexico in trust


It is a new world order

With America as its king

An America with borders

Of thee I sing


We welcome those with money

All the rest can serve as slaves

Those who dare defy us

We’ll haunt you to your graves


It is a new world order

The one we’ve wanted all along

Filled with chaos and disorder

Let us sing the MAGA song

Saturday, February 15, 2025

An American in Munich



An American in Munich


He is not loud and brash

Like the despots he admires

He has no zealotry or flash

He pretends to put out fires


But he hides an evil motive

Beneath his tortured rationale

He promotes an ugly votive

To raise his fascist nationale


He appeal for lack of reason

To the enemies from within

In Munich it’s known as treason

As if we don’t know where they’ve been


The despots are his allies

He has no sympathy for friends

He doesn’t hear the warning cries

That our alliance is at an end


We know he does not care

Where Europe goes from here

It’s clear he does not share

What Europe holds most dear


(JD Vance lectures Munich officials

on accepting the far-right parties.)


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tesla Falls



Tesla Falls (Ode to Elon)


Sales of Tesla fall in France

The end of a green romance

The same holds true in Denmark

Where sales have lost their spark

They’ve lost their wonder in Berlin

In the Netherlands they cannot win

Tesla falls across the sphere

Wherever they can see and hear

The end of Tesla drawing near

They’ve seen it and they fear


They do not welcome autocrats

Who flaunt their rabid power

Those billionaires and greedy cats

Who build their faulty towers

The oligarchs and fascist pigs

Who flaunt their Nazi loyalties

Who celebrate at fascist gigs

As if they’re fascist royalty


So take your piles of dirty cash

And toss them down a hole

They’ve tired of your act at last

A man who lacks a soul


Sunday, January 26, 2025

A Slow Descent


A Slow Descent


Democracy does not die easy

It begins by forgiving acts of betrayal

It begins by selling influence

It begins by casting doubt

It begins by creating a great divide

The US against the THEM

It proceeds by a thousand cuts

Each one a compromise

A demeaning of the others

A rewriting of history

It begins by convincing people

That elections are unnecessary

That the ruling class knows best

That the richest of the rich

Are the smartest of the smart

The fairest of the fair

The wisest of the wise

We have begun that slow descent

Into rule by aristocracy

The end of our democracy

Unless we wake up


Monday, January 20, 2025

The Oligarchs


The Oligarchs


The oligarchs are taking over

Let the people stand aside

The wheel of power grinding slower

The nation must abide


The oligarchs are everywhere

Every branch is in their hands

They own the water and the air

Maybe now we’ll understand


When we failed to limit money

As they bought our politicians

They all thought it kind of funny

When they fed us superstitions


They bought the way we worship

They bought the news we get

Just listen to their news clips

The propaganda field is set


The oligarchs are taking hold

Of every means to power

The takeover is crass and bold

They own the media towers


Don’t say we didn’t warn you

We informed you loud and clear

Our democracy will mourn you

As they magnify our fears


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Global Challenge



Global Challenge


We have lost Venezuela

The Bolivarian promise is dead

Nicolas Maduro doesn’t care

As long as his treasure chest is fed

It will require many years

To unbreed what he has bred

To take the long road back again

To where Hugo Chavez led



We are challenged in Columbia

From Brazil to Ecuador

Throughout the world the battle rages

For the workers and the poor

A fight for dignity and wages

Just to even up the score

A battle for the ages

To fight back El Dictador


The oligarchs and billionaires

The monopolies and corporations

Are undermining governments

Taking over sovereign nations

In a fight that’s never-ending

The goal remains the same

Defending our democracies

In more than just a name

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Farewell Trudeau



Farewell Trudeau


Farewell Trudeau we loved you well

You served in stark contrast

To our own American leaders

You were a true iconoclast


You are a victim of global discontent

Like our own Mister Biden

An elderly man of principle

You were wise to confide in


You stood up for the dispossessed

You battled for the poor

But the global housing crisis

Combined with prices in the stores


To mark the end of your tenure

A time of turmoil and upheaval

A time of natural catastrophes

The rise of greed and evil


We remember how you managed Trump

With diplomacy and finesse

It was a delicate balancing act

You managed among the best


Now they say it’s time for you to go

No one seems to disagree

But your nation may well miss you

When they look back on your legacy


Monday, January 06, 2025

Neo Nazi Nation


Neo Nazi Nation


He was born in Pretoria

In a land of segregation

Now he speaks out for the advocates

Of a neo-Nazi nation

In the nation of the Reich

He calls for our salvation

A leadership of whites

A racial agitation


He wants to separate the masses

In accordance with their race

Into their separate classes

In order to keep pace

With the technologic masters

In the race to conquer space


He doesn’t care about the workers

He only cares about the cost

He would send us all to China

If they’d let him be the boss

He wants to maximize the profits

And minimize the loss


It’s as simple as the math

It’s as brutal as the beast

He admires all the strongmen

From the north and from the east

If he could conquer Europe

He would have a massive feast

And in the flames of conquest

Democracy deceased


Elon is a fascist neo-Nazi

A threat to all democracies

Now that his truth is showing

His opposition is growing

Sunday, January 05, 2025

The Balance


The Balance


The despots have their champion

With his money and his fame

He yearns to carve an empire

And brand it with his name


He’s on the march in Britain

He has headquarters in Berlin

As for the rest of the world

Where do we begin?


There’s trouble in South Korea

The Middle East is in flames

Poland, France and Hungary

To our eternal shame


There’s panic all around the globe

As we count the final hours

There is no place beyond the reach

Of a madman’s quest for power


From Syria to Ecuador

From Columbia to Spain

The fear of falling victim

Like the victims in Ukraine


When we lose our sense of balance

Our bond of unity may fall

When the oligarchs take over

It will threaten one and all


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Korean Crisis


Korean Crisis


The crisis in South Korea grows

Every day it is in stasis

The delay in justice only shows

The desperate times it faces


A democracy cannot endure

An absent state of power

The people now must be assured

The void ends this hour


The president did shameful harm

In declaring martial law

He falsely sounded an alarm

To expose a fateful flaw


His removal is well justified

To save the nation’s grace

The rule of law he did defy

His act was a disgrace


Now all in power must unite

Against self-serving factions

Behind the sovereign people’s rights

Self-government in action


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Democracy in Syria



Democracy in Syria


We hold our breath and wait

To see what happens next

There is a promise of freedom

There is hope and good cheer

The people gather in the streets

Where they cautiously proceed

Who will grasp the reigns?

Who will seize the power?

Will they use it in good will?

Or will they build a taller tower?


We pray for better days

We pray for peace and prosperity

We hope they pave the way

To a thriving new democracy

And yes we have our doubts

We have seen this act before

The best intended efforts

Have been lost to civil war

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Elon Musk




As Germany falls to pieces

As democracy yields to rust

We hear beneath the madness

The voice of Elon Musk


May we recognize his greed

May his empire be crushed

May his influence dissolve

With the fall of Elon Musk


As we mark his fascist leanings

May his castles turn to dust

As we understand his meaning

The hate of Elon Musk


With Trump and Putin by his side

May his enterprise go bust

His intention to divide us

The curse of Elon Musk


Let all the world awaken

To the truth of Elon Musk

May his values be forsaken

May he sacrifice our trust


(Musk supports the Neo-Nazi

AfD in Germany.)

Monday, December 16, 2024

After the Fall


After the Fall (Syria)


Assad is gone

The brutal dictator has flown away

Seeking refuge in Moscow

Leaving the signs of his depravity behind

Torture chambers and detention centers

The blood of the murdered

The screams of the dead

Assad is gone and hope is reborn

Yet hope is tainted with doubt

The millions who have fled

The Assad reign of terror

Wait in uncertainty

They celebrate the moment

They embrace the possibilities

Yet they do not yet come home

No one knows what happens next

No one can make the call

After the fall


We pray it is better

How could it be worse?

Yet we do not know

Will the new regime be open?

Will it crack down on dissent?

Will it move toward democracy?

Or will it shatter into pieces?

Syria is a nation in search of itself

Already it is under siege

Already it is under attack

The days and weeks that follow

Will determine all

After the fall

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Democracy in Seoul



Democracy in Seoul


The declaration of martial law

In South Korea has failed

Their parliament reacted swiftly

Democracy has prevailed


The people gathered in the streets

As they tried to block the Assembly

But the people’s ministers saved the day

A day that will live in memory


The day their republic survived

Their president’s thirst for power

If not for the people’s courage

It would be their darkest hour


It is one of so many reminders

How fragile a republic can be

The people must always stand ready

To rise up for the right to be free


Some say it could not happen here

Others say it has come to pass

The lesson of Seoul is very clear

One failure could be our last


Monday, December 02, 2024

The Streets of Tbilisi


The Streets of Tbilisi


Three nights of protest on the streets of Tbilisi

A rage against the government that will not quell

Riot police use violent means

Turning the streets into Georgian hell


The government caved to Russian interests

After fraud claimed the latest election

Civil servants and ambassadors resigned

A massive representative defection


The Georgian people wish to join the union

To move away from the Russian beast

They are waging a war for democracy

They want their meddling to cease


The Russians are fighting on a dozen fronts

They are swimming against the tide

They are running short on resources

Lending strength to freedom’s ride


The struggle does not end here and now

They will carry it forward forever

If you ask them when they will surrender

They will answer with pride: Never!


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Putin's Gamble


Putin’s Gamble


What he could not accomplish

on the battlefields of Ukraine

He has accomplished on the

stage of American politics


Where he could not succeed

in France or the Netherlands

He has triumphed in the vast

open plains and the industrial

Midwest and the deep southern

forests of America


He gambled it all

on the wickedly flawed

American electoral laws


He gambled it all

on a conman from Queens

with his propaganda machine


The whole world will attest

Putin won the west

and with it he won Ukraine


Saturday, November 09, 2024

The Next Phase (Resistance)


The Next Phase (Resist)


We approach a turning point

A transition in the struggle

An acceleration in our efforts

Or a fundamental change

A continuation of the battle

Or the start of a new phase


What applies in America

Applies equally in Ukraine

As we await the election

We prepare for a change

If it is not as we have hoped

If the unthinkable comes to pass

We begin the resistance

A phase that will last


In the battle for democracy

We will take it to the streets

If they strike us down like cattle

We will march to a different beat

We will march in silent protest

We will refuse to move on

We will test the limits of their brutality

We will fold back if necessary

Into the shadows of resistance

And we will resist


In the battle for Ukraine

If the unthinkable comes to pass

The Russians and their allies

Become the hated occupiers

Ukraine becomes the resistance

How long can the occupation hold?

The spirit of independence lives

The resistance will not fold

Forever and a day

We will resist


Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan

The occupation will fail


Forever and a day

We will resist


Thursday, November 07, 2024

The Day that Shook the World


The Day that Shook the World


We should have seen it coming

The writing was on the wall

The day that shook the world

May be the day that we fall


Europe stands on edge

Ukraine is on the line

NATO is forming contingencies

For a world that is realigned


Vladimir Putin wears a smile

That will last until tomorrow

The dictators are in ecstasy

The free world is in sorrow


A new age has begun

Filled with worry and despair

The autocrats are in power

And corporations do not care


About the warming of the planet

About protecting human rights

About the fall of a republic

We watch it vanish from our sight