The Mendacity of Menendez
There is no place in a democracy
For those who put their own enrichment
Ahead of the public good
There is no process of adjudication
That can explain away the facts
That will exonerate your character
You received a small fortune in cash
Gold, mortgages and no one knows
To represent the interests of Egypt
To represent an anti-democratic autocrat
A party that opposes insurrection
A party that decries mendacity
A party that condemns corruption
Cannot endure for a solemn moment
The self-serving greed you have displayed
A party that claims the moral high ground
Can have no tolerance for moral depravity
You have had your time in power
You have bathed in the light of fame
You may fight for vindication in court
But leave public service behind
If you do not resign, the party should expel you
If you do not resign, the good citizens of
New Jersey should recall you
For the good of the nation: Step down!