Saturday, August 12, 2023

Paradise in Flames (Maui)


Paradise in Flames


Maui is in flames today

A lush green island getaway

A place where the privileged stay

A paradise where the wealthy play

But there are ordinary people too

What will the many homeless do?

When the hurricane winds rose and blew

They fanned the flames, the fires grew

Of course the tourists got out fast

Of course the homeless get out last

Paradise will never be the same and

All of us must share the blame

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Money (for Elon Musk)




Those who think about money most

Are those who do not have it

(at least, not enough of it)


Those who have the most money

(enough to toss it away on toys

and games and playthings)

Never have to think about it at all

Money grows from the ground

They plant their feet upon

Like potatoes and root vegetables

They hire day labor to water and tend

And the famine never comes


One day however the famine will come

And the people with all the money

Will learn to count and recount

And tend to their own piece of land


When that day comes

Money will lose its meaning

People with grit and character

Will rise to rule the earth

While the people with money

Will fall and fade away

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Joshua Trees


Joshua Trees


Fire rolls across the desert

The Joshua Trees disappear

An ecosystem forever altered

The realization of our fears


Fire cannot burn the sand

These trees have stood a thousand years

Scorched and turned to wasteland

The howling wind is all we hear


And will we ever learn

The error of our ways

Let the barren deserts burn

As we approach the end of days


We have become destroyers

Of all we know and see

Our past will never know

The future that must be


Monday, August 07, 2023

Killing Migrants


Killing Migrants


Killing migrants on the Big River

Killing migrants on the river of hope

Killing migrants for a political stunt

To make America great again


We need labor on the fields of plenty

We need workers to pick the crops

We need someone to care for the kids

We need people to tend the gardens

We need someone to trim the hedges

Rake the leaves and mow the lawns

We need workers to build new houses

To shelter and care for the elderly

We need people to fight the fires

And help those caught in the storm


Instead of putting them to work

We call names and drown them

As they if they have no value

As if they were not human


Sunday, August 06, 2023

Nineteen Years (for Navalny)


Nineteen Years (for Navalny)


This is how dictators deal with opposition

Nineteen years in perpetual prison

For founding an independent press

For leading a political party

A sentence that will be renewed

Until the people forget or

Navalny breathes his last breath


As Putin does to Navalny

So Trump would do to all opponents

Should he recapture the White House


Hillary Clinton: Lock her up!

Hunter Biden: Lock him up!

Mike Pence: Hang him!

Jack Smith: Lock him up!

The Democratic Party: Lock them all up!


Navalny gets nineteen years

Nineteen years for speaking out

Nineteen years for democracy

Nineteen years for the truth

Nineteen years for opposing war


How many years will Joe Biden get?

How many years will Ari Melber get?

How many years will Gavin Newsom get?

How many years for journalists?

How many years for impartial judges?

How many years for dissident voices?

How many years for protesters?

How many years for you?

How many years for me?