Saturday, August 03, 2024

A Woman with a Brain


A Woman with a Brain


They say she’s not genuine

They say her laugh is like a crane

They say she lacks bravado

They say she’s borderline insane

But the truth is they’re afraid

Of a woman with a brain


She is their worst nightmare

Their minds explode in pain

You see it in their expressions

So exhausted and so strained

They’re shaking at the thought

Of a woman with a brain


Watch them squirm and wiggle

Like a worm in the rain

They’re pretending to be outraged

When the truth is very plain

They are terrified of facing

A woman with a brain


They’ve tried a lot of tactics

Tried them all in vain

They might as well pack them up

And drive them down the lane

The truth is getting nearer

To home but in the main

Kamala has them quaking

A woman with a brain


Thursday, August 01, 2024

Venezuelan Tragedy


Venezuelan Tragedy


We remember Hugo Chavez

The leader of the working class

A man of the people

The Bolivarian revolution

Many times the capitalist forces

The imperialist forces

Led by the CIA

Tried and failed to depose him

Despite all their efforts to discredit him

Chavez had the support of the people


He handed his reign to Nicolas Maduro

And for a time it seemed to hold

But the forces of corruption overwhelmed

He became what Chavez would not

A corrupt leader who no longer cared

For the welfare of the poor

Whose love of power became him

Whose commitment to democracy waned


Maduro lost the recent election

He covered up the fraud

When the Carter Center turns against you

Your cause is lost

When the people turn against you

You must go


The Bolivarian revolution may rise again

We pray that it is so

But it will not be led by Maduro

The people have said no


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sycophants & Panderers


Sycophants & Panderers


There are some who despise democracy

Who would build an emperor’s tower

They are willing to sell their eternal souls

They are so very in love with power


There are sycophants and panderers

Who will kiss the emperor’s feet

Against everything they cherish

They will throw the crowd red meat


The MAGA crowd is an interesting mix

Of true believers and fanatics

The latter believes in nothing at all

But they love the great dramatics


This is how we lose our nation

To the sycophants and pandering crowd

They don’t know what they’re doing

But they’re standing tall and proud


Goodbye my sweet America

To all that we hold dear

To equal rights and liberty

The end is drawing near


Monday, July 29, 2024

Virtues of Democracy


Virtues of Democracy


When people come together

From diverse cultures and ages

Different backgrounds and races

Varied interests and stages


They can rise to the moment

When they find common ground

They can answer the calling

You cannot keep them down


You will see them at the ballot

You will hear them on the streets

When they stand as one people

They won’t go down in defeat


The virtue of our republic is

We can alter our course

When the old mount stumbles

We can ride a new horse


When the people are united

Their power is unbounded

Like the virtue of government

That our forebearers founded


Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Legacy of Fire



Western Wildfires


From California throughout the west

We’ve put firefighters to the test

So here’s to all you climate deniers

Your legacy is a trail of fire


Massive swaths of land destroyed

Pristine forest and small towns

Villages and country schools

Fields of green are turning brown


The land grows dry and brittle

A desperate need for rain

Branches crack and fall to earth

Whole crops of fruit and grain


We know we’re in for hard times

We are paying for our past

We acted out of avarice

We knew it could not last


We wish we’d done things differently

We catered to deniers

Now we watch our homelands burn

In a legacy of fire