Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Christopher Wray Lament


Lament of Christopher Wray


The woeful reign of Christopher Wray

Marked by caution and weak delay

He paused when he should have hit the gas

He procrastinated and finished last


Even now he lacks the courage to stay

Instead of resistance he slowly fades

Nobody knows and nobody cares

Whether what he did was wise or fair


When it all came down he took a pass

When they hang his flag it will be half mast

He was so uncertain he pleased no one

He cashed his check and now he’s done


So here’s to you Mister Christopher Wray

You had your chance now go away

You might have had a huge impact

But you deferred and that’s a fact


(FBI Director resigns in advance of Trump.)

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Crusader


The Crusader (Pete Hegseth)


Those who do not know their history

Are most often condemned to repeat

They very worst of our worst atrocities

The Crusades ended in defeat


The Crusaders killed with utter pleasure

Annihilation was their only plan

They led massacres at their leisure

Killing children, woman and man


They believed their sword was blessed

Because they wore the Crusader’s cross

All sins forgiven when confessed

They never thought about the cost


In innocent lives and human suffering

In generations sworn to hate

All to grasp that illusive ring

To stake claim to their eternal fate


Now some would like a new Crusade

For another century of blood

Exchange the bullet for the blade

Watch the stream become a flood


(Trump’s choice for Defense Secretary

is a champion of the crusades.)


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Buying the Presidency



Buying the Presidency


With the blessings of the Court Supreme

That lifted limits on contributions

Elon Musk has bought the White House

Along with all its institutions

(which he may ban from existence)


He pumped a fortune into propaganda

Without restrictions on content

He won a seat at the table of power

Now we’ll discovery his intent

(we can be sure it isn’t pretty)


Will the president sit him down

And attempt to put him in his place?

We’ll find out about his ego

Will he tell him to his face?

(and what a face it is)


I’m the richest man on earth, he’ll say

And I’d hate to tell you twice

If I want rice for dinner

By God, we’re having rice

(he brought his own chef)


You may think you have the power

But there’s not much you can do

If you’d like a talk with Vladimir

My office will approve

(and so the story goes)


(Musk puts up 750 million to elect Trump)


Thursday, December 05, 2024

The Hand of Vengeance


The Hand of Vengeance


Kash Patel is the hand of vengeance

J. Edgar Hoover reincarnate

He will serve at the president’s pleasure

Wo to those who arouse his hate


He has sworn to have his vengeance

Against all and every enemy of state

Members of the opposing parties

Journalists for Politico and Slate


J. Edgar was an American disgrace

Subversion was within his powers

His enemies vanished without a trace

It was our nation’s darkest hours


Patel is cast from the same mold

His reach extends far and wide

His gaze is dark and his hand is cold

He will stand at the president’s side


The people must rise to answer back

To safeguard our Bill of Rights

Our republic is coming under attack

We will never give up the fight


(Patel to be named FBI Director)

Sunday, December 01, 2024

The Irony


The Irony


The irony of Make America Great Again

Is that they hate America

They hate everything America stands for:



Rule of law

Institutions of civil society

Peaceful transfer of power

Free and fair elections

The right to vote

The right to protest

The advancement of freedom

A nation of immigrants

To welcome with open arms

No one is above the law


You can say they were duped

You can say they knew not…

But this time it was clear as fresh water

This time they absolutely knew

They understood and embraced it

To the principles of the nation

To the founders and defenders

To the keepers of the dream

They delivered a straight message:

F*** you!


Wednesday, November 27, 2024





How do you tell a child

This world no longer wants you?

How do you tell a child

You must leave your home?


Millions of mothers and fathers

Aunts, uncles and grandparents

Must now have that conversation

To prepare for the uncertainty

Of the days that lie ahead


Juanita, you are not welcome here

Jose, it is time to go

Your friends are not your friends

Your teachers will not protect you

The police are now your enemies

They will take you from your home

They will place you in a cage

They will make you feel alone

Your family is your only refuge

There is no one else

It is time to go


Yesterday is yesterday

Say goodbye to all you know

All that was is no longer

What remains is a lonely road


Saturday, November 16, 2024

North Korea Crosses the Line


Korea Crosses the Line


Japan and South Korea in the East China Sea

Sending Xi Jinping a warning sign

Crossing swords with the Philippines

While North Korea crosses the line


The Russians are emboldened

By the election in the west

A new deal with the dear leader

Will their new weapons pass the test?

Meanwhile Trump is almost giddy

Netanyahu is his special guest

While most of Europe is in mourning

The autocrats are feeling fine

The Ukrainians are in panic

North Korea has crossed the line


What kind of world are we handing down?

To an undeserving generation?

A world of warming wayward bound

Years of war and devastation


Is it too late to sound a warning?

Is it too late to make a change?

We are in the age of warming

With all solutions out of range

Saturday, November 09, 2024

The Next Phase (Resistance)


The Next Phase (Resist)


We approach a turning point

A transition in the struggle

An acceleration in our efforts

Or a fundamental change

A continuation of the battle

Or the start of a new phase


What applies in America

Applies equally in Ukraine

As we await the election

We prepare for a change

If it is not as we have hoped

If the unthinkable comes to pass

We begin the resistance

A phase that will last


In the battle for democracy

We will take it to the streets

If they strike us down like cattle

We will march to a different beat

We will march in silent protest

We will refuse to move on

We will test the limits of their brutality

We will fold back if necessary

Into the shadows of resistance

And we will resist


In the battle for Ukraine

If the unthinkable comes to pass

The Russians and their allies

Become the hated occupiers

Ukraine becomes the resistance

How long can the occupation hold?

The spirit of independence lives

The resistance will not fold

Forever and a day

We will resist


Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan

The occupation will fail


Forever and a day

We will resist


Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Mourning in America


Mourning in America


The majority* of Americans

Have made their feeling clear

The rest of us are mourning

For the nation we hold dear


We cannot deny the mandate

Unlike the opposing side

We’ve lost our democratic state

Now we’re forced to take a ride


Down the autocratic lane

Where brutes and tyrants live

So begins the tyrant’s reign

That history will not forgive


It is mourning in America

And all around the world

The once proud democracy

Into the void was hurled


We will not give up hope

We’ll rise to fight again

We’re facing a daunting slope

With a deep desire to win


* Plurality

Sunday, November 03, 2024

The Unseen Hand (of Oppression)


The Unseen Hand


The unseen hand of intimidation

Belongs to the brute of the Kremlin

His presence felt in most every nation

Like a force of voting gremlins


They promote stories with clever lies

The truth is altered and deformed

They provide their guilty alibies

They invade like a closing storm


From Austria to the Slavic states

From Wisconsin to the Hague

The unseen hand has found its place

Like the scourge of a Russian plague


Democracy is on the run

Most everywhere we turn

We cannot rest until it’s done

Let the flames of freedom burn


Do not give in, do not despair

The alarm has been sounded

We are rallying the free and fair

On the principles that were founded


In ancient Greece and modern Rome

The bricks of our foundation

Democracy has found a home

In the best of civilized nations


Saturday, November 02, 2024

The Common Good


The Common Good


There is something deeply disturbing

About the state of our democracy

When so many of our citizens

Are tempted to autocracy


We will never have to vote again

That is exactly what he said

Our democracy has flown away

Say goodnight and go to bed


In the morning when we wake up

Our once great country tis of thee

Is no longer of and by the people

And the people are no longer free


We had a long and storied run

But the wealthy spoiled the pot

The filthy rich took all the power

And let the republic rot


We neglected it for far too long

We let the wealthy have their way

Now that they’ve bought all branches

We will no longer have a say


It is for the common good they say

And for the benefit of very few

It is far too late to make a change

There is nothing more we can do


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sympathy for the Nazis


Sympathy for the Nazis


He wanted to be a dictator

The generals stood in his way

They knew he was a sympathizer

They still know it to this day


He told them plain and clear

He thought Hitler had it right

With an iron fist he ruled by fear

They were strong and bold and white


He’s not hiding his proclivities

Or they are hidden in plain sight

He doesn’t bother with civility

He loves a crooked fight


He has sympathy for the Nazis

And the man who led them all

He killed six million Jews with ease

Before the Axis took the fall


Do not give this man the power

To turn this nation on its head

He would march us to the final hour

Just to see his ambitions fed


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Second Grade Politics


Second Grade Politics


Remember back in second grade

I know you are but what am I?

The habits that we made

I could never tell a lie!

As you lied through your teeth

I swear on the holy book

As I live and breathe

Don’t look, don’t look!


I know you are but what am I?

The only thing is winning

Look your accuser in the eye

Hypocrisy is grinning

Who stole my piece of pie?

We learn to cheat and steal

I know you are but what am I!

How did that make you feel?

Not good. Can we go back?

No but you can make amends

Get your life back on track

And that is how the story ends

I cannot tell a lie

I know you are but what am I?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Gender Gap


Gender Gap


What is it about men?

Do we not believe our eyes?

We see clearly where we’ve been

All reason would belie

We should not go back again

When we know the reasons why


And yet here we stand

It is far too close to call

A woman against a man

The woman standing tall

The man without a plan

Except to build his wall


It is the Us against the Them

How else can we explain?

A flower against a stem

A mind without a brain

Our nation we’d condemn

To a horror filled refrain


Will we stumble into night

Or awaken in the day?

Will we finally make it right

Or watch it all wash away?

Will we keep it in our sight?

Hold on come what may


Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Trump Method


The Trump Method


The Trump method is simple

He doesn’t tell a common lie

He doesn’t engage in fabrication

He lets the simple truth fly by

By death he means salvation

He gives the opposite of truth a try


Elon Musk is Donald’s minion

Though he was late to get on board

He never offers an opinion

That doesn’t blend with Trump’s discord


What he says about those others

He really means about his own

When he says the crowd is huge

He might be standing all alone


When he says he’ll save democracy

You should know he means to end it

What he loves is pure autocracy

The republic? He won’t defend it


It is all about the big lie

The bigger it is the better

He likes his ham on rye

Don’t say why, it might upset her


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Tony Soprano


Tony Soprano


Tony Soprano was a solid man

For a mob boss

So he smacked a few guys

They was asking for it

So he whacked a few guys

They deserved to be whacked


I get it


Tony Soprano was an engaging character

He didn’t take crap from nobody

He valued loyalty above all

He liked a rigged game

As long as Tony got his share

They all got along fine

But if somebody steps out of line

All bets are off

You might get smacked

You might get whacked


I get it


What I don’t get and never will

Is why so many of us

On the bottom of the mob ladder

The suckers and losers

The ones who get whacked

Why so many of us still want

Tony Soprano for president


Sunday, October 06, 2024

The Panderer


The Panderer


He’ll give you what you want

He will promise anything

If you promise him your vote

He will make the angels sing


No taxes on the wealthy

No taxes on the poor

No taxes on the middle class

Free meals at your door


He’ll bring peace to Ukraine

An independent Palestine

He’ll turn crazy into sane

He’ll turn water into wine


If you ask him how he’ll do it

He’ll wave his hands in the air

He will shoot an arrow through it

Then he’ll fix his eyes and stare


There is nothing I can’t do

When I’m the king of all that be

Everyone will know it’s true

When I part the great Red Sea


Thursday, October 03, 2024

Too Much


Too Much


We used to wonder why they showed him so much

Now we wonder why they show him so little

The man is desperately out of touch

Like a hoedown without a fiddle


If it wasn’t so critical he’d have my pity

He is rapidly losing his mind

In every town and every city

His simple reasoning is hard to find


The world is balanced on the edge of a cliff

It is barreling swiftly out of control

We dare not ask what would happen if

It was up to a man who is not whole


We have watched him unravel over the years

We have seen the decline of his brain

We must acknowledge our darkest fears

Before our nation goes down the drain


We know it will happen to the best of us

It can be hard for us to accept

But the time will come as come it must

To understand he’s beyond his depth