Saturday, June 22, 2024

Heat Rises


Heat Rises


Heat rises

Let it rise

Let there be no alibis

Follow the stars as the crow flies

Heat rises

Let it rise


We have endured a thousand trials

We will endure a thousand more

And we have walked a thousand miles

Just to open up this door


Heat rises

Let it rise

Let us see through hollow lies

Take it in and breathe a sigh

Heat rises

Let it rise


We will take it all in stride

Every hardship in our way

And we will find the other side

We will play it as it lays


Heat rises

Let it rise

Let there be no alibis

Fools fall, embrace the wise

Heat rises

Let it rise


Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Healing


The Healing


There’s a shadow moving across the land

A great cloud of dust and sorrow

Everywhere it goes the people fall

And pray for rain tomorrow

To wash away this evil spell

This sickness of the soul

Some say it is the will of god

An undoing of the whole


But what god is so spiteful?

A god of ruin and disease

We need a god of healing

A god of mercy if you please


We know it is the work of man

And not the work of heaven

This scourge across a barren land

The horrors come in seven

Pestilence and drought

Fire, wind and thunder

Wars that never ever end

Waves that take us under


Pray for the great healing

No matter who or where you are

Pray to the god you know

Pray to the healing star


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Fighting Phantoms


Fighting Phantoms


Wingnuts of the reactionary right

Are fighting phantoms of imagination

Summoning ghosts of the distant past

To save an imaginary nation


Their enemies are all communists

Scum of the earthly kind

Like Don Quixote’s windmills

Their myths will soon unwind


They’re certain the people are stupid

They’ll believe anything they’re told

But their threats of retribution

Are getting more than a little old


You can say the sky is falling

But if you say it more than twice

The people will smell a rat

And their “leaders” will pay a price


So tell us again how our freedom

Depends on a new president

Who is sworn to Vladimir Putin

Our confidence is spent


Monday, June 17, 2024

The Fall of Modi


The Fall of Modi


The rise of Modi was swift and sure

He ruled by the iron fist

He believes in a nation strong and pure

But his policies run amiss


Now the moderates return to power

In partnership with the Alliance

A new moderation rules the hour

It’s the end of the Modi defiance


Democracy is an evolving thing

It gives what it has taken

The silent ones are now to sing

The once favored are forsaken


It is better for the body whole

It is better for the nation

It is better for the Indian soul

It is worthy of celebration


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Find the Light



Find the Light


In a world of constant trials

Where tragedy tempts the heart of darkness

Where catastrophes strike with little notice

Where the innocent are unprotected

Where women and children die on

Battlefields and paths of destruction

Where greed has become a virtue

Where homelessness awaits misfortune

Where compassion is a weakness

Where vengeance is admired

Along with bitterness and loathing

Take time to raise your eyes

To see beyond the smoke and dust

To see the love beneath the hatred

To sense the weakness of the rage

To feel the sadness in the greed

To feel empathy for those in need

In a world of constant trials

When little seems quite right

Find the light