Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Healing


The Healing


There’s a shadow moving across the land

A great cloud of dust and sorrow

Everywhere it goes the people fall

And pray for rain tomorrow

To wash away this evil spell

This sickness of the soul

Some say it is the will of god

An undoing of the whole


But what god is so spiteful?

A god of ruin and disease

We need a god of healing

A god of mercy if you please


We know it is the work of man

And not the work of heaven

This scourge across a barren land

The horrors come in seven

Pestilence and drought

Fire, wind and thunder

Wars that never ever end

Waves that take us under


Pray for the great healing

No matter who or where you are

Pray to the god you know

Pray to the healing star


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