Saturday, August 24, 2024

Farewell Macron


Farewell Macron


All of France is on hiatus

They declared an Olympic truce

But since the last Olympic cheer

Macron has worn a political noose


His party took a beating

While the far-right moved ahead

The people have made it clear

They’d prefer Castets instead


Macron has been remarkable

In the most difficult of times

But now the people want a change

For the next phase of the climb


It’s the way of the republic

Change is coming for us all

Those who reach the pinnacle

Must be prepared for the fall


So farewell Monsieur Macron

You have served your nation well

You will long be remembered

Take a bow and say farewell

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Drones Over Moscow



Drones over Moscow


What goes up must come down

What moves forward will move back

What you reap will come round

The train called Payback is on track


There are drones over Moscow

Armed with deadly force

More than reason would allow

Ukraine will stay on course


Vladimir is running scared

How could such a thing occur?

It isn’t right! It isn’t fair!

Let’s go back to how things were


But things will not go back

Things are moving straight ahead

Ukraine will launch its next attack

Russia’s forces will be bled


Call off your dogs and go home

Bring your war to an end

A losing Russia stands alone

Without an ally or a friend


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kidnapper Nation


Kidnapper Nation


Some kill journalists

Putin leans to kidnapping

You don’t get much for a dead body

You get a spy and a money launderer

An assassin and a weapons dealer

For a living breathing journalist

And a Russian born dissident

Never mind that it lowers the bar

For cruel and ruthless leadership

Putin and his evil ilk

Will not hesitate to arrest, detain

And convict you of espionage

It’s what dictators do for recreation

Putin’s Russia should be added

To the list of primitive nations

And violent lawless states

Do not travel there

Do not contribute to their depravity

Russia is a rogue nation

A nation of thugs and outlaws

She has no place in the world

Of civilized nations


Monday, August 19, 2024

The Tradeoff


The Tradeoff


Politics is the art of negotiation

For every initiative there is a price

If you want order surrender freedom

If you want pasta give up some rice


The protesters in Chicago

Want a ceasefire yesterday

They do not seem to understand

There will be a price to pay


Cut off funding to Israel today

Ukraine will lose funding tomorrow

Is that a cost you’re willing to pay?

Ukraine in perpetual sorrow


If you set the convention on fire

You might exact a few concessions

But if your efforts turn out dire

You may learn a chilling lesson


Remember who your enemy is

He wears an extremely long red tie

If your purpose aligns with his

Soon enough you will wonder why


(on the eve of the DNC in Chicago)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Who Owns You?


Who Owns You?


Ten cool mill from the Egyptian dictator

Shady real estate deals with the Saudi’s

Crooked bribes and shakedowns

Russia, China, Turkey, Hungary

The White House is for sale


Who owns you baby?

You demanded 40 bill from the oil industry

In exchange for ending renewable energy

You offered an end to regulation of the

Technology industry in exchange for

Unspecified billions


Who owns you baby?

You informed the Wall Street bankers and

Dealers that there is a price to ending the

Oversight the prevents the next great

Economic meltdown


Who owns you baby?

The one sure thing is that you owe nothing

To the suckers and working saps who gave

You their time, dollars and praise to get

You elected


You owe nothing to the militant fools

Who gave you their blood and freedom

To enforce your uprising and insurrection


Who owns you baby?

The big money interests who promise to

Give you riches in exchange for unspoken
