Saturday, December 21, 2024

Elon Musk




As Germany falls to pieces

As democracy yields to rust

We hear beneath the madness

The voice of Elon Musk


May we recognize his greed

May his empire be crushed

May his influence dissolve

With the fall of Elon Musk


As we mark his fascist leanings

May his castles turn to dust

As we understand his meaning

The hate of Elon Musk


With Trump and Putin by his side

May his enterprise go bust

His intention to divide us

The curse of Elon Musk


Let all the world awaken

To the truth of Elon Musk

May his values be forsaken

May he sacrifice our trust


(Musk supports the Neo-Nazi

AfD in Germany.)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Christopher Wray Lament


Lament of Christopher Wray


The woeful reign of Christopher Wray

Marked by caution and weak delay

He paused when he should have hit the gas

He procrastinated and finished last


Even now he lacks the courage to stay

Instead of resistance he slowly fades

Nobody knows and nobody cares

Whether what he did was wise or fair


When it all came down he took a pass

When they hang his flag it will be half mast

He was so uncertain he pleased no one

He cashed his check and now he’s done


So here’s to you Mister Christopher Wray

You had your chance now go away

You might have had a huge impact

But you deferred and that’s a fact


(FBI Director resigns in advance of Trump.)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

ABC Bends the Knee


ABC Bends the Knee


George Stephanopoulos misspoke

He took a step over the line

But if the Court was not a joke

What he said would be just fine


Freedom of the press is on the run

The warning is in place

The Bill of Rights is largely done

They will toss it in your face


The talking heads are bowing down

Leave your courage at the desk

A new journalism is in town

In propaganda we invest


The pundits and the powers

Are all bending at the knees

They’re all sacrifice and cower

They’re trying hard to please


We are a nation in retreat

We will toss away our rights

We’re telling everyone we meet

That this is not the time to fight


But if you’re having second thoughts

If you don’t like how it goes down

There’s still a battle to be fought

Find the guts to stand your ground


(ABC pays Trump millions to

settle a defamation suit.)


Monday, December 16, 2024

After the Fall


After the Fall (Syria)


Assad is gone

The brutal dictator has flown away

Seeking refuge in Moscow

Leaving the signs of his depravity behind

Torture chambers and detention centers

The blood of the murdered

The screams of the dead

Assad is gone and hope is reborn

Yet hope is tainted with doubt

The millions who have fled

The Assad reign of terror

Wait in uncertainty

They celebrate the moment

They embrace the possibilities

Yet they do not yet come home

No one knows what happens next

No one can make the call

After the fall


We pray it is better

How could it be worse?

Yet we do not know

Will the new regime be open?

Will it crack down on dissent?

Will it move toward democracy?

Or will it shatter into pieces?

Syria is a nation in search of itself

Already it is under siege

Already it is under attack

The days and weeks that follow

Will determine all

After the fall

Sunday, December 15, 2024

To Kill a Man


To Kill


To kill a man in anger

To kill a man for cause

To kill a man for vengeance

To kill a man is wrong


I understand the rage

When an injustice is done

But there is no compensation

In picking up a gun

There is no grand salvation

In public execution

Let the hand of justice reign

Let it be firm and strong

But let it be without emotion

For that which soothes today

Tomorrow it may stun


To kill someone in anger

To kill someone for cause

To kill someone is wrong

Regardless of the laws


There are many who are evil

Who deserve a sudden death

Their crimes are so despicable

They steal away our breath

When justice takes them down

We will not shed a tear

We’ll celebrate the moment

And raise a rowdy cheer

But we will not kill in anger

To prove that we are strong

We will not kill for vengeance

Because killing is wrong