Paris in Crisis
Paris is overcrowded
It has long been so
It is a part of its eternal charm
The optimal use of space
The ancient walls of stone
That reach back centuries
And proclaim sophistication
A great source of pride
To all of civilization
Paris is in crisis once again
She survived the first and second waves
She endured the third
Now she suffers through a fourth
The monster is at her door
And she must do battle once more
Parisians are famous for their style
Their carefree devil-may-care spirit
They would give anything for art
Anything for architecture
Anything for poetry and dance
Anything for music and joy
And breathing the fresh spring air
Without a waste of care
Afternoons beneath a loving sun
Evenings in a gentle breeze
Enjoying the company of others
Discussing love and other wonders
Politics and esoteric delights
Fine food and copious wine
Living their lives on Paris time
They would give it all for love
And nearly all for art
But it seems they will not sacrifice
A season of sartorial pleasures
To bring this nightmare to a close
The world will follow where Paris goes