Saturday, July 20, 2024

Manchurian Candidate


Manchurian Candidate


“I don’t really care what happens to

Ukraine.”  J.D. Vance


The man has no backbone

No conviction or restraint

In his grand quest for power

A man of principle he ain’t


He once stood for justice

And the American way

But the man he once was

Is not the man he is today


He has sold his very soul

For a chance at that ring

He would eat a lump of coal

He would do anything


He would kiss the man’s boot

If there is something to gain

It took him less than a second

To sacrifice Ukraine


He will bow to the Don

The Don bows to the Vlad

As for our democracy

The prognosis is bad


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cogs in the Machine


Cogs in the Machine (Project 2025)


They will transform the Department of

Justice into an army of revenge

They will outlaw abortion everywhere

They will bring the bible into the schools

They will ban affirmative action

They will make alternative lifestyles illegal

They will sanction discrimination against

Nonwhites and non-Christians

They will make it hard to vote for

Anyone who is not white

They will mobilize the National Guard

To beat back protesters

They will replace civil servants with

Political sycophants

They will dismantle the Environmental

Protection Agency

They will step back and watch the ravages

Of global climate change

They will encourage the dissemination of

High-powered weaponry

They will be the cogs in the machine that

Enable the government to function

They will stand by as the system crashes

And the nation descends into chaos

They will step back with a wry grin

As the world follows into madness


Monday, July 15, 2024

Symbolic Action


Symbolic Action


It may only be symbolic

But it sets the record straight

These Supreme Court Justices

Are filled with righteous hate


They hate the common laborers

For being who they are

For wanting decent wages

For wanting an affordable car


They hate the world of women

For wanting the rights of men

They’ve sworn to have their vengeance

For having to fight for their rights again


They hate people of color

For demanding equal treatment

For standing up against brutality

For supporting an impeachment


They hate honest journalists

For exposing their corruption

In receiving several fortunes

Yielding to wealth’s seduction


(AOC drafts articles of impeachment

against Alito and Thomas of the

Supreme Court.)


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Life Lost in Butler PA


Life Lost in Butler PA


Someone lost his life today

In Butler Pennsylvania

It was not the one intended

An innocent bystander

A participant in the process

An engaged citizen

For better or for worse

Collateral damage.


The former president survived

A nick in the ear

Some say he invited it

Some say he brought it on himself

He swore vengeance on his enemies

He incited a full-scale riot

But no one deserves to die

For his or her political beliefs

Even if those beliefs inspire violence

Even if those beliefs are abhorrent

Political violence must be condemned

The age of violence must end

In a civilized society

We elect a president

We do not kill our adversaries