Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cogs in the Machine


Cogs in the Machine (Project 2025)


They will transform the Department of

Justice into an army of revenge

They will outlaw abortion everywhere

They will bring the bible into the schools

They will ban affirmative action

They will make alternative lifestyles illegal

They will sanction discrimination against

Nonwhites and non-Christians

They will make it hard to vote for

Anyone who is not white

They will mobilize the National Guard

To beat back protesters

They will replace civil servants with

Political sycophants

They will dismantle the Environmental

Protection Agency

They will step back and watch the ravages

Of global climate change

They will encourage the dissemination of

High-powered weaponry

They will be the cogs in the machine that

Enable the government to function

They will stand by as the system crashes

And the nation descends into chaos

They will step back with a wry grin

As the world follows into madness


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