Saturday, October 05, 2024

Russian Blood on Ukrainian Soil


Russian Blood


Hundreds of soldiers die each day

In a war for Ukrainian land

Ukrainians hunker down and pray

As they face their final stand


It is a war for pride and greed

It sadly makes your blood boil

Our sense of justice bleeds

Russian blood on Ukrainian soil


Three years of bloody killing

Of sending soldiers lost to die

Three years and we’re still willing

While all Russia wonders why


The blood is on his filthy hands

A man without a heart

All to boost the Russian brand

To tear the world apart


How many lives must pay the cost?

How long will your people toil?

Before you know your cause is lost

Russian blood on Ukrainian soil


Thursday, October 03, 2024

Too Much


Too Much


We used to wonder why they showed him so much

Now we wonder why they show him so little

The man is desperately out of touch

Like a hoedown without a fiddle


If it wasn’t so critical he’d have my pity

He is rapidly losing his mind

In every town and every city

His simple reasoning is hard to find


The world is balanced on the edge of a cliff

It is barreling swiftly out of control

We dare not ask what would happen if

It was up to a man who is not whole


We have watched him unravel over the years

We have seen the decline of his brain

We must acknowledge our darkest fears

Before our nation goes down the drain


We know it will happen to the best of us

It can be hard for us to accept

But the time will come as come it must

To understand he’s beyond his depth


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Only in America


Only in America


Only in America can a candidate

Lose by some three million votes

Yet emerge victorious in an

Electoral landslide


Other nations hold sham elections

Stuffing the ballot box

Altering the count

Arresting the opposition

Shutting down the free press

Suppressing the vote

Anything to ensure the desired result


But only in America do we bend

The results by giving voters in

Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan

The weight of a hundred Californians


Only in America do we claim

Democratic virtue while practicing

The science of 18th century



Monday, September 30, 2024

El Gran Dictador!


Nicaragua: El Gran Dictador


He promised prosperity for all

He delivered a police state

His adversaries are in jail

He has stolen their land

He has taken their citizenship

He has sent them into exile


Yet his people live in poverty

The poor and the elderly

And condemned to the streets

The physically and mentally challenged

Have lost all support

The government controls everything

From religious institutions

To social gatherings

They control the military

They control the police

They control the judiciary

They control the media

The economy is crippled

His servants are corrupt


Once they were revolutionaries

They fought against Samoza

Now they become what they opposed

The oppressors

The abusers

The lost


Ortega is the new Samoza

The great dictator

El Gran Dictador

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Project 2025 Emergency


Project 2025 Emergency


Project 2025: A program for autocracy

Among its many evil schemes

The destruction of democracy

The corruption of our justice system

A dismantling of bureaucracy


Under Project 2025

Emergency management falls to the states

So when a hurricane slams Florida

The government response:  Suffer your fate!


When twisters rip through the Midwest states

And the victims are feeling alone

The government will shake its head

Good luck, you’re on your own!


When fires burn through western lands

And the people plead for aid

The government will turn its back

And your hopes will slowly fade


When the lights go out in Texas

And they don’t know what to do

Washington will have no ears

Sometimes you’re bound to lose


That’s the way it’s going to be

If the rightwing has its way

You may like it in the short term

But soon you'll rue the day