Saturday, May 25, 2024

Extermination (Rafah)


Extermination (Rafah)


And so it begins

The final assault

Extermination of the enemy

The bombardment of the last stronghold

The laying of waste

They were cornered here like vermin

Pushed and herded here like goats

Here it ends


Here amidst the rubble of a once great city

Here in this landscape of destruction

Where mothers once gathered to gossip

While their children played

Where men followed footsteps to work

Where kids walked to school

Impoverished but not poor


Who but god and Netanyahu knew

That this would be the end …

But it is not the end

It is only another beginning

In the endless cycle of revenge


Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Coup


The Coup


Maybe we’re all to blame

Maybe a change was overdue

Now we hang our heads in shame

We’ve legitimized the coup


We all witnessed an act of treason

Every one of us knows it’s true

Have we abandoned our sense of reason?

We have legitimized the coup


You might say nothing has changed

Days of old become the new

All the pieces are rearranged

We’ve legitimized the coup


Who’s to say when it will end?

Let’s give the other side its due

Will it break or will it bend?

We have legitimized the coup


This will live beyond tomorrow

They will wonder what we knew

We will hide our heads in sorrow

We legitimized the coup


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Putin and Xi (The Dark Alliance)


Putin and Xi


Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

The monster of Moscow

The bully of Beijing

They will lie and cheat and do anything

To further their cause of expansion


China claims Taiwan is theirs

Russia claims Ukraine

They rattle their sabers on a dare

Their intentions cold and plain


They want a new age of empire

The glory of their past

The west denies their brute desires

Their flags are at half mast


They push all states toward their ends

With arms and blatant bribes

But on economy their cause depends

That is the true divide


Xi and Putin will pay a price

Beyond prestige and lives

Losing their best trade allies

Their rule may not survive

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Fracture


The Fracture


It runs deep and menacing

A fracture dividing the world

A threat to human domination

Civilization become unfurled


A fascist in Slovakia

Shot down for his beliefs

Some are hungry for regression

Some are thirsting for relief


In an age of global warming

We can’t afford a great divide

Yet that is what we’re facing

As all nations choose a side


One side calls for unity

In the struggle to survive

The other stands for power

An aggressive forceful drive


Which direction will we go?

What path will we choose?

If we choose the path of war

Both sides will surely lose


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Houston Thunder


Houston Thunder


Ain’t it just like mother nature

To strike the vulnerable,

The unprepared, the ignorant,

The poor folks who don’t believe

That burning fuels for energy

Affects the global climate


Another superstorm strikes Houston

With the deadly force of thunder

Apocalyptic winds and twisters

With the power of natural vengeance

Killing seven, knocking out power

Reducing homes and buildings to rubble

Sending humans and animals to shelter

As if Houston was a war zone

As if some unknown enemy unleashed

Its weapons of mass destruction


But there is no war in Houston

There is no unknown enemy

These are only the forces of nature

On a rapidly warming planet


If we are not used to it we should be

If we are not yet prepared

It is past time we started