Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Tik Tok


Tik Tok


He’s got something up his sleeve

An instrument of Chinese power

Tik Tok wins a late reprieve

Must be the Chinese hour


They’re collecting information

On every teenaged girl and boy

All to serve a sovereign nation

Though we may think it’s just a toy


The Russians have their ways

The Chinese have their own

We have seen the way it plays

The kids are dancing to their tone


We will see how this plays out

When the next election comes around

Will the Chinese gain new clout?

Will it shake our shaky ground?


Xi Jinping is not our friend

He will undo us if he can

On his motives we can depend

It is the long-term Chinese plan

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Chinese Hack


The Hack


A weapon of war or the men in black?

A declaration of warlike intent?

Beyond all doubt the Chinese hack

Reveals a heart and motive bent


The Chinese have been our friends

In business and in trade

On them the corporate world depends

The nation’s workers we betrayed


In Xi Jinping we placed our trust

Now we’d like to take it back

Our good relations will go bust

In respect for the Chinese hack


China clearly wants to reign

Far beyond the Asiatic sphere

This hack will leave a lasting stain

That all the western world should fear


The global balance has gone wrong

The global train is off the tracks

We curse the powerful and strong

Strike back at the Chinese hack


Saturday, November 16, 2024

North Korea Crosses the Line


Korea Crosses the Line


Japan and South Korea in the East China Sea

Sending Xi Jinping a warning sign

Crossing swords with the Philippines

While North Korea crosses the line


The Russians are emboldened

By the election in the west

A new deal with the dear leader

Will their new weapons pass the test?

Meanwhile Trump is almost giddy

Netanyahu is his special guest

While most of Europe is in mourning

The autocrats are feeling fine

The Ukrainians are in panic

North Korea has crossed the line


What kind of world are we handing down?

To an undeserving generation?

A world of warming wayward bound

Years of war and devastation


Is it too late to sound a warning?

Is it too late to make a change?

We are in the age of warming

With all solutions out of range

Saturday, October 26, 2024





Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

You are judged by the company you keep

Brazil, South Africa, India

I believe you are in too deep


Do you really want to be

In the company of brute dictators?

Far better to make friends

With republicans and liberators


You’ve been tempted by oppressors

In all their varied forms

Blatant cheats and vote depressors

We hope you have reformed


But if you wish to make alliance

With the planet’s worst offenders

We’ll reconsider our reliance

On your human rights defenders


A new world is taking shape

We are taking it in stride

Consider every step you take

Do not take the other side


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sedition in Hong Kong


Sedition in Hong Kong


Sedition in Hong Kong

Is daring to act like a journalist


Sedition in Hong Kong

Is daring to criticize Beijing


Once there was hope of freedom

Freedom of speech

Freedom of assembly

Freedom to march the streets in protest

Freedom to publish your views


That hope was brutally attacked

By the officers of oppression


Now they jail journalists

Now they serve warning to all

Who would ever dare oppose them


They don’t know the history of resistance

They don’t know the power of the people

It may take a decade of resistance

It may take a century of defiance

But the people will not forget

The people will not give in

They will find a way forward

They will find the path to freedom

They will march toward democracy

Step by step, year after year

Decade after decade

Until at last they prevail


(Stand News editors Chung Pui-kuen

and Patrick Lam sentence to prison.)


Sunday, June 23, 2024

America Lost


America Lost


America has lost her way

Long before Election Day

The stage is set

The courts are let

The sycophants are in their place


The vote no longer matters

Amidst the scattered chatter

The fix is in

The losers win

A head upon the platter


What is false and what is true?

Sinclair disseminates fake news

Russia plays

And China too

The people haven’t got a clue


The nation cries in deep distress

Democracy is at its best

When people know

What’s going on

We’re failing every single test


Time will tell if we survive

To keep the sacred dream alive

We cannot fail

The world depends

On us to find our patriot’s pride


Saturday, June 01, 2024

Dissent in Hong Kong


Dissent in Hong Kong


There is no joy on the streets of Hong Kong

There is no discourse at all

There are martyr’s tears for Helena Wong *

Among the chosen to take the fall


A conspiracy to commit subversion

A trumped-up charge if ever there was

They claim the right to imprison anyone

No matter what one says or does


They stood for the right to public protest

They stood for Hong Kong’s independence

They face a lifetime behind cold bars

They were hardly allowed a defense


Today in Hong Kong you have no rights

Except for the right to silence

If you want to speak or raise a sign

Beijing’s answer is always violence


* Found guilty of Draconian security law

   (along with thirteen others).


Sunday, May 26, 2024





A candidate in Germany steps down

After expressing sympathy for the SS –

The elite Nazi enforcement unit


An American candidate for president

Takes down a campaign video

Expressing admiration for The Reich

As if he didn’t understand the reference


The Proud Boys are the SS without

The power of the state


The European right is marching goosestep

With Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

Accepting laundered money and propaganda


The NRA is a front for Russian money


One World News is a front for Russia


The propaganda war has begun and our side –

The side of freedom and democracy – for

there can be no freedom without democracy –

Has fallen asleep


Those who follow their fearless leader

Like sheep who have lost their way

Will awaken tomorrow in a nightmare


They too will be left behind

They will be discarded with the rest of us

For they will have lost their purpose

They placed the strongman in power

And now they are of no more use

We are vermin and they are sheep


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Putin and Xi (The Dark Alliance)


Putin and Xi


Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

The monster of Moscow

The bully of Beijing

They will lie and cheat and do anything

To further their cause of expansion


China claims Taiwan is theirs

Russia claims Ukraine

They rattle their sabers on a dare

Their intentions cold and plain


They want a new age of empire

The glory of their past

The west denies their brute desires

Their flags are at half mast


They push all states toward their ends

With arms and blatant bribes

But on economy their cause depends

That is the true divide


Xi and Putin will pay a price

Beyond prestige and lives

Losing their best trade allies

Their rule may not survive

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Banning a Song (Hong Kong)


Banning a Song


Your stranglehold on power

Is something less than strong

When you determine you must ban

A proud and simple song


The people fought for freedom

In Hong Kong’s angry streets

When China brought the hammer down

The world cried at their defeat


No one has shown more courage

Than the people of Hong Kong

Who rose up for their dignity

Their oppressor was dead wrong


Now China shows its weakness

By banning the people’s song

An insult to their legacy

All Glory to Hong Kong!


Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Democracy in Africa


Democracy in Africa


For far too long in Africa

Democracy has been on the run

When corruption takes its toll

The ruling class is done


In Mali the people rise again

They grow tired of the madness

The military gave them promises

But delivered constant sadness


In Sudan the hatred deepens

The blood of holy war

They vote with their machetes

They kill to settle scores


Russia provides the weapons

China builds their dams

They need corrupt governments

Their elections are a sham


Still the time will surely come

When the people will demand

Their right to a fair democracy

The military be damned!


Saturday, May 04, 2024

Hidden Dragon


Hidden Dragon


Beneath the surface of Russian brutality

There lurks a hidden dragon

Beneath the smart bombs and guided missiles

Beneath the serial war crimes

Beneath the killing of women and children

Beneath the mounting rubble of destruction

Beneath the endless, mindless horror

There lies a Chinese beast


At the crossroads of international affairs

The Chinese faced a choice

To follow the road of economic prosperity

In partnership with the West or

Form an alliance with the Brute of the North

To follow the path of democratic reform or

Join the barbarian path of conquest


They have chosen the path of darkness

The path of gross environmental destruction

The path of waste and extortion

The path of violence and imperialism


They will find in Russia a treacherous ally

An alliance of temporary value

The Russians offer little economically

They have weapons, oil and little else

The Chinese depend on the West

They will suffer for their betrayal

The hidden dragon no longer hidden

Will turn on itself in self immolation

The Chinese economy will crumble

The rule of Chi will end


Wednesday, January 17, 2024






Taiwan will not surrender

They refuse to bend the knee

They have sent the world a message

From across the China Sea


The voters faced a choice

To hold an independent course

Or to yield to the power of China

With it superior military force


They voted with their hearts

Not assured where it will lead

The beast may rear its head

Or plant a million seeds


The mainland is unphased

They choose to bide their time

Taiwan lives in their shadow

Despite an independent mind


What does the future hold?

No one living really knows

Each time the monster flexes

Our worries only grow


Monday, January 01, 2024

The Great China Freeze


The Great China Freeze


They’re burning coal in China

To survive the winter freeze

They are poisoning the very air

That their people must breathe

It seems the leaders do not care

It is something they believe

If a million people die today

For the benefit of the state

Mark a path and show the way

They will call it the way of fate


But the world must turn this path around

We must find a better road

A path that is reachable and sound

That seeks to lighten every load


We can’t continue fighting wars

We know where that road leads

A rush to shut disaster’s doors

We all suffer, we all bleed


Let’s work together for a change

That works for all our nations

We know it seems a little strange

But its promise is salvation