Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Strange Case (Julian Assange)


The Strange Case


The strange case of Julian Assange

Will be an anecdote in history

He exposed the dirty lies of war

But his motives were a mystery

When he aided by omission

The campaign of a pretender

He went after one candidate

But he spared the worst offender

Who ever landed on the stage

With the help of Brother Vlad

In defiance of his age

We went from good to bad


Those who were offended

By the consequence of his actions

Will not accept or forgive him

Or his strained loyal faction

We hold him much to blame

For the threat to our nation

He should hide his head in shame

He should forego the celebration

For his reasoning was lame

When he served the Russian station

Did he really go insane

Or did he just enjoy sensation?


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Democracy Fatigue


Democracy Fatigue


We’ve grown tired of democracy

We want someone to tell us

What to think and

What to do

We want someone to tell us

What is false

And what is true


Democracy is troublesome

You have to stay informed

You have to reason

You have to vote

You have to take a stand

You have to try and talk it out

When you don’t understand


Why not let it go?

Why not put it all to rest?

They are smarter

They are better

Why not let them do it all?

We’d hardly notice anyway

Why not let democracy fall?


And so we let it go

We just let it slip away

No more worry

No more bother

Like a friend we used to know

We never really cared

It was all just for show


But then they take your freedom

All the rights you took for granted

You shake your head

You walk away

What else can you do?

You have no right to speak

They decide it’s not for you


You don’t know until you lose it

The land of liberty

You object

You didn’t know

How important it could be

But now it’s far too late

That ship went out to sea

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Love Letters


The Love Letters


Remember those charming love letters

That our (former) president loved so much

Written with boundless affection

With a gentle and giving touch


All of you who have spoken ill

Of the man in the Oval Office

Who have blasted your obscenities

From the beds of moving trucks

If we lived under Kim Jong-un

You would find yourself imprisoned

Incapacitated or worse

Condemned to reeducation

Under the cloud of the leader’s curse


Remember the brotherly romance

Of our then president and the Vlad

The animosity that we showed him

Made our leader extremely sad


All of you who have expressed doubts

About the sanctity of our elections

If we lived under Putin’s rule

Your votes would be cast out

You children would be sent to fight

For the conquest of Ukraine

Your freedom would be compromised

Beyond all recognition

You would find yourself against a wall

In a compromised position


Be grateful for what we have

Be careful not to lose it

If democracy is not your bag

We can end it if you choose it


Monday, June 24, 2024

America Found


America Found (the Awakening)


We have lost our way before

We are not a perfect nation

We regarded the protectors of the land

As something less than human

As beasts to be exterminated

Or tamed and put in cages

It took centuries to awaken

To know the error of our ways

But we have awakened

To set forth a better day


We enslaved generations of blacks

We denied their basic humanity

We put them in chains

When they demanded their freedom

We hunted them down like rabid dogs

We whipped and hobbled them

We killed and raped them

It took centuries to awaken

To accept the truth that we betrayed

But we have awakened

To a more enlightened way


We have fought unprovoked wars

Unjust wars of mass destruction

We have followed poor leaders

We have embraced corporate greed

We have turned the clock backwards

We have stripped away rights

We have sanctioned child labor

We have done evil things

In our God’s holy name

But we have always awakened

In the spirit of righteous shame


Sunday, June 23, 2024

America Lost


America Lost


America has lost her way

Long before Election Day

The stage is set

The courts are let

The sycophants are in their place


The vote no longer matters

Amidst the scattered chatter

The fix is in

The losers win

A head upon the platter


What is false and what is true?

Sinclair disseminates fake news

Russia plays

And China too

The people haven’t got a clue


The nation cries in deep distress

Democracy is at its best

When people know

What’s going on

We’re failing every single test


Time will tell if we survive

To keep the sacred dream alive

We cannot fail

The world depends

On us to find our patriot’s pride