Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Love Letters


The Love Letters


Remember those charming love letters

That our (former) president loved so much

Written with boundless affection

With a gentle and giving touch


All of you who have spoken ill

Of the man in the Oval Office

Who have blasted your obscenities

From the beds of moving trucks

If we lived under Kim Jong-un

You would find yourself imprisoned

Incapacitated or worse

Condemned to reeducation

Under the cloud of the leader’s curse


Remember the brotherly romance

Of our then president and the Vlad

The animosity that we showed him

Made our leader extremely sad


All of you who have expressed doubts

About the sanctity of our elections

If we lived under Putin’s rule

Your votes would be cast out

You children would be sent to fight

For the conquest of Ukraine

Your freedom would be compromised

Beyond all recognition

You would find yourself against a wall

In a compromised position


Be grateful for what we have

Be careful not to lose it

If democracy is not your bag

We can end it if you choose it


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