Saturday, December 26, 2020





Just when we thought

It would come to an end

Here comes a mutation

And the message it sends


Lock down your business

Get back in you homes

Two Horsemen are riding

Begin a new tome


Will there come three?

Will there come four?

The people are frightened

Scared to the core


Is there no mercy?

No help from above?

Have we run out of chances?

Is there no love?


Friday, December 25, 2020

Song of Solstice (Winter is Here)


Song of Solstice (Winter is Here)


The days become short and the nights so long

Our hearts are ringing with the sound of song

A northern chill has invaded the air

A winter darkness sweeps us in its lair


We have no true longing to venture out

Deep winter shadows fill our minds with doubt

Frost covers the ground and the air grows still

The marrow of bones senses winter’s chill


The season of death descends upon all

The heavens in mourning after the fall

We burrow ourselves inside our warm homes

And give thanks to all we are not alone


We endure this winter of discontent

And contemplate where our adventures went



Thursday, December 24, 2020

Joy of Christmas




Let all hardship and worry go

Today is a day of joy

It is a time of winter wonder

For children and their toys


Let go the lingering discontent

Let go the tears of rage

Forgive betrayal and transgression

On vengeance turn the page


Tonight there is no sorrow

There is no fear or dread

There is only cheer and happiness

As we lay our heads to rest


Tomorrow we awaken

To a world of many wonders

A world where joy and faith

Cast misery asunder


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Hunger in America



Hunger in America


Hunger in America has always been

Denial is the American way

Food insecurity is a euphemism

Like eccentricity for madness

It does not describe the truth

The way a stomach tightens

In the throes of hunger

It does not describe

How the mind fogs over

And all thought centers on food

It does not describe

The shame of mothers and fathers

When a child goes hungry at night


Hunger is like a drug addiction

It gnaws at your humanity

It drags you to the gutter

It makes you plead

Like a common beggar

It transforms you into someone

You no longer know


So don’t belittle it with euphemism

Its name is hunger

It is one step short of starvation

It is a time of desperate yearning


(an estimated 35 to 50 million Americans

will experience hunger during the pandemic)

Monday, December 21, 2020

Free Peltier


Free Peltier


Now that you’ve broken new ground

Appointing a native American

To the council of the Great White Fathers *

An injustice remains to be righted

The last prisoner of the Indian wars

The last heart buried at Wounded Knee **

A man of Lakota blood and pride

Remains in a white man’s cage

Suffering the ravages of disease

Humbled by the indignities of age

Leonard Peltier cries out once again ***

With what was a young man’s rage: 


Let me walk once more on native soil

Let me stand once more free and brave

Admit no wrong if it pleases you

Show compassion if you will

But let me not spend another minute

For the men I did not kill


(* Deb Haaland was nominated to serve

in the Biden cabinet. ** The Siege of

Wounded Knee 1973. *** Imprisoned

in 1977, he is 76 today.)


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Christmas is Canceled (for Boris Johnson)


Christmas is Canceled


All the children are bundled

In their bright Christmas best

From the wise in the east

To the jolly Midwest

From the churches down south

To the folks in their vests

We’re all ready to celebrate

A holiday fest


But the man in the kingdom

Whom they call the premier

Interrupts the good tidings

And all the great cheer

He looks straight in the camera

And says with a tear

Haven’t you heard?

Christmas is canceled this year


My oh my what a fright

What a terrible thing

The children can’t play

And the angels can’t sing

Our Santa’s can’t jolly

And the bells dare not ring

There are no more elves

No flying reindeer

Christmas is canceled this year


But out of the darkness

And into the light

The spirit of Christmas

Comes into sight

It soothes all the children

And says do not fear

Christmas is in the heart this year