Hidden Dragon
Beneath the surface of Russian brutality
There lurks a hidden dragon
Beneath the smart bombs and guided missiles
Beneath the serial war crimes
Beneath the killing of women and children
Beneath the mounting rubble of destruction
Beneath the endless, mindless horror
There lies a Chinese beast
At the crossroads of international affairs
The Chinese faced a choice
To follow the road of economic prosperity
In partnership with the West or
Form an alliance with the Brute of the North
To follow the path of democratic reform or
Join the barbarian path of conquest
They have chosen the path of darkness
The path of gross environmental destruction
The path of waste and extortion
The path of violence and imperialism
They will find in Russia a treacherous ally
An alliance of temporary value
The Russians offer little economically
They have weapons, oil and little else
The Chinese depend on the West
They will suffer for their betrayal
The hidden dragon no longer hidden
Will turn on itself in self immolation
The Chinese economy will crumble
The rule of Chi will end