Saturday, July 06, 2024

American King


American King


He can do anything he wants to do

He can lock her up

He can make lies true

He’s the master and we’re the slaves

He could have his name engraved

On the Statue of Liberty

On the Emancipation Proclamation

On the constitution of the nation


America! Of thee I sing!

All hail the American King!


I never thought I’d see the day

When we’d sacrifice our rights

When we’d throw it all away

And sail into an endless night

We’ve place him on a throne

So now we stand alone

We pray for his benevolence

For we’ve lost our independence


America! Of thee I sing!

All hail the American King!


Monday, July 01, 2024

Losing France


Losing France


Losing France to Marine Le Pen

Is like losing a dearest friend

France is the heart of Europe

This wound may never mend


The fascist crowd will celebrate

The Vlad will raise a glass

A victory for war and hate

The flags are at half mast


Liberty is on the wane

Paris is in mourning

Fear and loathing rise again

To all this is a warning


They say there is another chance

There will be another round

A rising of the soul of France

A chance to hear that sound


Of people singing everywhere

That song of patriot’s pride

A song of freedom if you dare

Let us hear it far and wide


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Time to Let Go (Dear Joe)


Time to Let Go


You’ve been a good president

Some would even say great

But the man we saw last night

At the presidential debate

Was lacking in substance

And slow at the plate

It pains me to say it

But in your heart you know

Dear Joe, it’s time to let go


The man at your side

Told lie after lie

But you stumbled and fell

And you gave him a bye

You failed on abortion

You failed on Ukraine

That you’re not fit for office

Has become more than plain

It gives me no pleasure

But the whole nation knows

Dear Joe, it’s time to let go


For the good of the nation

For the sake of mankind

We cannot go forward

With a man who is blind

To the stone-cold reality

Of the truth that we find

The whole planet saw it

And the whole world knows

Dear Joe, it’s time to let go