Saturday, January 18, 2025

Wings of Freedom


Wings of Freedom


Freedom rides on the wings of hawks

Peace rides on the wings of doves

What freedom hides the peace unlocks

Both thrive on the wings of love


We’ve lived with war so very long

It’s like the air and water

Our need for war has grown so strong

We neglect our sons and daughters


We must always strive for freedom

We must always work for peace

We must strive as if we need them

May this need for violence cease


They tell us it’s a solemn choice

That the price of freedom is war

They would silence every peaceful voice

And cast us to the farthest shore


For we should never sacrifice

Our freedom for the peace

To do so would be like trading

Our home for a temporary lease


(Wings of Freedom is the Israeli name

for the program to return the hostages.)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

War is Over


War is Over


They say the war is over

If only for a while

So let there be a reckoning

Let there be a trial


For crimes have been committed

On both sides of the wall

Crimes against humanity

Offenses against us all


The hostages are coming home

The bombs and missiles still

No more will people suffer

If our leaders have the will


Find a way to live together

Without this bitter hate

Israel and Palestine

An independent state


The way of war must end

Respect for human rights

Put down your arms of vengeance

And travel toward the light


(Ceasefire signed.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Global Challenge



Global Challenge


We have lost Venezuela

The Bolivarian promise is dead

Nicolas Maduro doesn’t care

As long as his treasure chest is fed

It will require many years

To unbreed what he has bred

To take the long road back again

To where Hugo Chavez led



We are challenged in Columbia

From Brazil to Ecuador

Throughout the world the battle rages

For the workers and the poor

A fight for dignity and wages

Just to even up the score

A battle for the ages

To fight back El Dictador


The oligarchs and billionaires

The monopolies and corporations

Are undermining governments

Taking over sovereign nations

In a fight that’s never-ending

The goal remains the same

Defending our democracies

In more than just a name

Monday, January 13, 2025





Hold on to your sanity

When the world is slipping into madness

Do not yield to your vanity

When the world is drowned in sadness


For we are not the center

Nor are we at the core

When the world descends to hellish grief

We are not the reasons for


In a world of gloom and horror

The sullen one is king

In a town of scream and shudder

The quiet one can sing


We have lost our equilibrium

We are reaching out for kindness

The ones who guide our passing

Are lost in moral blindness


If you want a world of sanity

Know that it begins at home

Take pity on humanity

For we are not alone


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Farewell Trudeau



Farewell Trudeau


Farewell Trudeau we loved you well

You served in stark contrast

To our own American leaders

You were a true iconoclast


You are a victim of global discontent

Like our own Mister Biden

An elderly man of principle

You were wise to confide in


You stood up for the dispossessed

You battled for the poor

But the global housing crisis

Combined with prices in the stores


To mark the end of your tenure

A time of turmoil and upheaval

A time of natural catastrophes

The rise of greed and evil


We remember how you managed Trump

With diplomacy and finesse

It was a delicate balancing act

You managed among the best


Now they say it’s time for you to go

No one seems to disagree

But your nation may well miss you

When they look back on your legacy