Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Gaza Takeover


Gaza Takeover


American ownership of the Gaza Strip

The United States as empire

Mass eviction of the Palestinians

The Middle East on fire


What will become of the West Bank?

What will become of Palestine?

A hostile takeover of a sovereign land

A proclamation from the divine


It is genocide by any other name

A line drawn in the desert sand

A declaration of eternal shame

The occupation of a foreign land


The world will simply stand aside

While we usurp all power

All other nations must abide

The is the American hour


We’ll set up beachfront properties

For the rich and upper classes

We’ll occupy the land with ease

Evict the native masses


(Trump proposes US ownership

of the Gaza Strip.)


Thursday, January 16, 2025

War is Over


War is Over


They say the war is over

If only for a while

So let there be a reckoning

Let there be a trial


For crimes have been committed

On both sides of the wall

Crimes against humanity

Offenses against us all


The hostages are coming home

The bombs and missiles still

No more will people suffer

If our leaders have the will


Find a way to live together

Without this bitter hate

Israel and Palestine

An independent state


The way of war must end

Respect for human rights

Put down your arms of vengeance

And travel toward the light


(Ceasefire signed.)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Stop the War!


Stop the War (Letter to Biden)


Mister President

You are still the president

As Netanyahu expands the war

With his attacks on Lebanon

With his threats against Iran

You are the only one on earth

Who can stop this madness

You have the key to Israeli power

Though you have sworn not to use it

Netanyahu is taunting you

Daring you to act

He does not believe you will do it

He’s got you in a vice

How long can this go on?

How far can he push you?

In the name of peace

In the name of justice

Withhold funding for Israel

Withhold weapons and military aid

Do it in small increments

Then larger and larger still

Secure the remaining hostages

Secure the Israeli people

Secure Palestine a future

By removing Netanyahu from

His place of ultimate power

You will pave the road to peace

It will take political courage

It will involve risk

But there is no other way


Sunday, September 15, 2024

They Kill Their Own


They Kill Their Own


In the battle against hypocrisy

No one should stand alone

The solemn truth about Hamas:

Sadly, they kill their own


Palestinians who make a choice

Not to take either side

Netanyahu nor Hamas

Neither one can we abide


They find themselves in danger

In the streets and in their homes

The IDF will kill them anywhere

But Hamas will kill their own


We pray for peace and soon

So much heartbreak to atone

But there can be no mercy

For those who kill their own


There are crimes against humanity

There are crimes that are unknown

But there are no greater crimes

Than the killing of your own


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

People of Israel Rising


People of Israel Rising


The people of Israel are rising

Fed up with your dirty war

Fed up with your phony efforts

Sickened to their very core


They’re tired of supporting you

You think you’re so damn clever

Without regard for what you do

You want a war to fight forever


You’ll always have another reason

As the blood flows down the streets

Another war for every season

Your anger fuels the heat


Bring all your people home today

The people you did not defend

It doesn’t matter what you say

It is time for your war to end


The people are your masters

Not the other way around

Your way has been a great disaster

Have the courage to step down


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Bebe's War


Bebe’s War


It is not the thing itself

It’s the timing of the thing itself

With the Middle East ready to explode

With a ceasefire in negotiations

With a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza

With Hezbollah firing rockets from Lebanon

Netanyahu orders a strike in Tehran

Inviting a broader war

A war engaging the world’s powers


Israel has a right to defend herself

Israel has a right to kill those responsible

For the October 7th attack

Targeted assassination was the proper

Response to the assault

But to wait until Gaza is decimated

To wait until tens of thousands are dead

Homes, schools, hospitals destroyed

To wait for mass starvation


Netanyahu has left us no doubt

This war will go on and on

As long as he is still in power

This is Bebe’s war

And Bebe’s war has no end

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Disproportionate Retribution


Disproportionate Retribution


During the October 7th outrage

Hundreds were taken as hostages

Men were tortured and women raped

Thirteen hundred innocents were killed


In the ensuing war against Palestine

Nearly 40 thousand Gazans died

Nine thousand West Bank Palestinians

taken as leverage or punishment

Men and children beaten; women raped

Journalists killed and detained


Martial law is in effect

Israeli soldiers do as they please

Those who live in the Gaza Strip

Have been pushed from north to south

where they are cornered and trapped

Displaced from their homes

They run, they hide, the beg for mercy

Yet Israel has none to give

Netanyahu has executed mercy

Netanyahu has extinguished good will

Netanyahu has exterminated hope

At best it is disproportionate retribution

At worst it is genocide

At least it is unforgivable sin

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Extermination (Rafah)


Extermination (Rafah)


And so it begins

The final assault

Extermination of the enemy

The bombardment of the last stronghold

The laying of waste

They were cornered here like vermin

Pushed and herded here like goats

Here it ends


Here amidst the rubble of a once great city

Here in this landscape of destruction

Where mothers once gathered to gossip

While their children played

Where men followed footsteps to work

Where kids walked to school

Impoverished but not poor


Who but god and Netanyahu knew

That this would be the end …

But it is not the end

It is only another beginning

In the endless cycle of revenge


Wednesday, April 03, 2024

The Crimes of Netanyahu


The Crimes of Netanyahu


The crimes against humanity

Continue without pause

Netanyahu flicks his thumb at us

In defiance of all laws


Another thousand dead

Another week of terror

Netanyahu shrugs his shoulders

As if it was random error


The war continues on

Until his anger is abated

How many more must die

Before his rage is satiated?


We must find another way

And we must find it yesterday

For what Hamas started

Future generations will pay


For now there is no answer

There is only blood and pain

The violence will continue

Like a cruel and endless chain


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Children of Gaza


The Children of Gaza


The act of genocide

Can no longer be denied

The death and destruction

Cuts deep inside


When will we make an end?

On what does it depend?

A policy of vengeance

We can no longer defend


There are too many dead

Too many without bread

And none of us believe

A word Netanyahu said


We must end our support

Take the murderers to court

Put a stop to the killing

Playing out like a sport


The children are dying

Their mothers are crying

And all we can do

Is to say we are trying


End the war!

End the occupation!



Wednesday, March 06, 2024

End the Occupation


End the Occupation


On peace in the Middle East

Our democracy may depend

A ceasefire is not enough

The occupation must end


We remember how it started

But it no longer really matters

The Palestinians of Gaza

Have been brutalized and battered


We demand an end to violence

We demand an end to war

We cannot sustain our silence

We will endure it no more


They are forgotten people

Denied hope, denied a home

The wandering tribes of Palestine

Abandoned and alone


You have pushed beyond the limits

Of our capacity to defend

You’ve become what you abhor

This occupation must end


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Rafah (Never-ending War)




So begins the siege of Rafah

As millions of innocents flee

But no one knows where they will go

A sea of refugees


The slaughter is unspeakable

The destruction is complete

Will anyone be spared

The stench of this defeat?


This war has cost too many lives

Or cast them into hell

Never will it be forgot

Palestinians remember well


The siege of Rafah will go on

This war defies an end

The bloodshed and the misery

This hatred will not mend


Until the darkness lifts

Until their hearts will bend

The horrors born of Rafah

Will plead for more revenge


Both sides will take a vow

To fight forever more

All of Palestine and Israel

The never-ending war

Wednesday, February 07, 2024





The time has come

to raise our voices all in one

This massacre must end

This onslaught must be done

On this our trust depends:

Ceasefire in Gaza now


Netanyahu must go

A lasting peace cannot be found

If nothing else we know

When Netanyahu is around

The hatred only grows

And shakes the hallowed ground

Not another blow:

Ceasefire in Gaza now


Two states born of one

It is the only way

The terrorists are stunned

Let’s bow our heads and pray

Hamas is on the run

Let it be today

This battle has been won

Ceasefire in Gaza now


Saturday, February 03, 2024

Idiot Wind


Idiot Wind *


We know that Netanyahu

Is a force against democracy

A voice for vengeance

A proponent of endless war

A perpetrator of genocide

But if you believe that Israeli forces

Dug the tunnels, planned and executed

The massacres of October 7th

A brutal execution of their own people

The idiot wind is blowing

Through the vacuum of your mind

There is no end to fantasies

That prejudice can find


We know that Netanyahu failed

Failed to protect his people

He knew what was about to happen and

Failed to respond in time

We know that he is guilty of

Crimes against humanity

Crimes against civilization

Mass destruction and reckless

Disregard for innocent life

But if you believe the Israelis

Have no cause for rage and revenge

A rage founded in antiquity

A rage recorded for all time

The idiot wind is blowing

Through the missives of your kind

Through eyes that have been

Rendered selectively blind


* A song by Bob Dylan


Thursday, February 01, 2024

Blind Vengeance


Blind Vengeance


People of Israel

Do you know the crimes

committed in your name?


What began as self defense

surrendered that rationale

when Netanyahu decided civilians

were subject to extermination


People of Israel

Have you seen the destruction

delivered in your name?


Hospitals are not hiding enemies

Schools are not training sites

An ambulance is not a target

Children are not expendable

Palestinians are not Hamas

Mothers are not soldiers


People of Israel

Do you know the blood your

leaders are spilling in your name?


I am not a terrorist apologist

I lament the unconscionable act

that unleashed this chain of horror

but just retribution has turned

into blind and brutal vengeance


People of Israel

I believe in your humanity

Help us to help your nation

return to the path of peace