Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Disproportionate Retribution


Disproportionate Retribution


During the October 7th outrage

Hundreds were taken as hostages

Men were tortured and women raped

Thirteen hundred innocents were killed


In the ensuing war against Palestine

Nearly 40 thousand Gazans died

Nine thousand West Bank Palestinians

taken as leverage or punishment

Men and children beaten; women raped

Journalists killed and detained


Martial law is in effect

Israeli soldiers do as they please

Those who live in the Gaza Strip

Have been pushed from north to south

where they are cornered and trapped

Displaced from their homes

They run, they hide, the beg for mercy

Yet Israel has none to give

Netanyahu has executed mercy

Netanyahu has extinguished good will

Netanyahu has exterminated hope

At best it is disproportionate retribution

At worst it is genocide

At least it is unforgivable sin

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