Showing posts with label po. Show all posts
Showing posts with label po. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Unraveling


The Unraveling


A mercenary force strikes

at the heart of the Kremlin

Capturing the center of operations

for the war in Ukraine

Cracking the myth of Putin’s invincibility

The march to Moscow aborted

The damage is irreversible

The mercenary warlord is empowered

Putin’s reputation is torn and tattered

The unraveling begins

If one man can defy the dictator

why not another?

Why not an uprising?

Why not a rebellion?

If one man can condemn the military

how long will the generals remain loyal?

For the first time in decades

the question must be asked:

Who holds the reins of power?

Where is Putin now?

That he has miscalculated is clear

He miscalculated in invading Ukraine

He overestimated his authority

His control over the mercenary forces

If the warlord lives beyond tomorrow

Vladimir Putin will fall

Fall from grace

Fall from favor

Fall from the seat of power


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Vlad the Mad


Vlad the Mad


The best laid plans of mice and men

Could not predict where we have been

He risked it all to take Ukraine

All those soldiers’ lives in vain

Now all his plans will fall and crumble

Each step he seems to trip and stumble


We know he’s angry but is he mad?

We can’t dismiss the wrath of Vlad


The curtains rise revealing all

Foreshadowing the Kremlin’s fall

Vlad reached for more than he was able

So his hold on power seems unstable

The well-worn myth of his strength falling

A darker destiny now is calling


We know he’s angry but is he mad?

We can’t dismiss the wrath of Vlad


Monday, June 20, 2022

Po Runs Dry


Po Runs Dry


The waters that feed an ancient land

That fuel the farms and vineyards

From lush valleys to rolling hills

From heavenly gardens to fields of plenty

The river that has carved its way

Through granite mountains and forests

That has given a people life

In all its splendor


The River Po is running dry

And we know why

We all know why


Millennia of running waters

Millennia of winding through the earth

Millennia of streams and tributaries

Feeding a land of thirst


The River Po is running dry

And we know why

We all know why


How long before the whole of Italy

The land that gave us Dante

The land that nourished a great religion

A land rich in wine and fine cuisine

A land of superb architecture

A land of philosophy and culture

Alas becomes a barren wasteland


The River Po is running dry

And we know why

We all know why


Monday, January 03, 2022

Praying for a Miracle


Praying for a Miracle


The party went on as usual

Bands music laughter dance

As time passed fewer masks

Were worn by greater crowds

Drinking rose and lowered inhibitions

Gathering with friends and family

Witnessed no talk of the silent scourge

The elephant beneath the surface

The monster no one mentions

Though we all know is lurking


We’re banking on a miracle

To save us from ourselves

Banking on a miracle

To restore our fading health


In the nation where Mandela lived

In the southern hemisphere

For reasons no one understands

A miracle appears


The scourge is in remission

The omicron withdraws

Like an army in retreat before

The outcome is determined


Pray we get lucky

Pray it’s finally over

Not because we beat it

But because it tired of the battle

And retired to await another day