Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts

Monday, August 05, 2024

Iran Speaks


Iran Speaks


Despite all the horrors we have heard

In their defense of Palestine

The Iranian people give their word

The cause of peace is on their minds


They have chosen a moderate leader

Who wants relations with the west

They say he’s a true believer

The path of peace is always best


He wants to ease the harsh restrictions

On the moral code for all

He has expressed a strong conviction

That some restraints should fall


We can’t expect a lot of change

The ayatollah is still in charge

But the furniture is rearranged

Basic change is always hard


At least it is a forward step

Away from war and oppression

For once the hard line overslept

Letting go their hard obsessions


Monday, May 13, 2024

Kurdistan (Forgotten Nation)




They had to fight for their freedom

Every woman and every man

They had a dream of independence

In a land called Kurdistan


Denied statehood for many centuries

They continue to press their cause

By helping to defeat the Islamic State

They are bending international laws


They have earned their independence

That no one should deny

Their fierceness and their courage

Have enabled them to survive


It is time for the civilized world

To recognize the Kurdish state

Over centuries of resistance

It is their right and righteous fate


Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Curse


The Curse


Religion can be a blessing

Just as often it’s a curse

Nothing good can happen

When we place religion first


The Muslims hate the Christians

The Christians hate the Jews

When people fight for faith

Both sides will always lose


The Shias hate the Sunnis

The Hindus hate them all

They all claim to be peaceful

Then we’re up against the wall


Too many wars have been fought

Not to know the damage done

When both sides fight for God

Holy wars are never won


Saturday, March 09, 2024

The Silent Protest



The Silent Protest


In Tehran they pleaded to the people

To cast their votes in the election

But the people shook their heads

Not to vote was their selection


When you treat the people poorly

When you trample on their rights

When you silence opposition

They will find a way to fight


You took away their right to march

For freedom on the streets

You tortured and abused them

Denied them the right to meet


They will make their feelings known

In the only ways they can

Their silence at the voting booth

Is how they choose to make a stand


You lost the pretense of support

You’ve lost the younger generation

Step aside and let them lead

A new and better nation