Saturday, August 03, 2024

A Woman with a Brain


A Woman with a Brain


They say she’s not genuine

They say her laugh is like a crane

They say she lacks bravado

They say she’s borderline insane

But the truth is they’re afraid

Of a woman with a brain


She is their worst nightmare

Their minds explode in pain

You see it in their expressions

So exhausted and so strained

They’re shaking at the thought

Of a woman with a brain


Watch them squirm and wiggle

Like a worm in the rain

They’re pretending to be outraged

When the truth is very plain

They are terrified of facing

A woman with a brain


They’ve tried a lot of tactics

Tried them all in vain

They might as well pack them up

And drive them down the lane

The truth is getting nearer

To home but in the main

Kamala has them quaking

A woman with a brain


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