Saturday, August 17, 2024

World Class Liar



World Class


Someone you know is a world class liar

An elephant’s ass and a climate denier

Light a match and he’ll catch on fire

He will finish last from wire to wire


We’ll name him if we must

Take a guess, it’s Elon Musk

He’s got a prime seat on the loser’s bus

He’s with the weird, he’s not with us


He’s got an outrageous amount of money

That doesn’t make him smart or funny

He’s a dark, dark day when all is sunny

When he laughs it’s almost stunning


His friends? He doesn’t have them

He’s like a flower without a stem

Or a brand-new building that’s been condemned

He’s a robot among good men


His spotlight days will come and go

He’s shamed by all the things we know

He’s a curtain up without a show

His know-it-all has lost its glow


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