Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Maduro's Betrayal


Maduro’s Betrayal


Simon Bolivar was a great man

Leader of the people’s revolution

Father of Latin American democracy

He dreamed of a free continent

Where the poor were poor no more

Where the power served the people

And the people served themselves


After decades of betrayal

By the drivers of western wealth

The rubber, fruit and oil barons

The ones who stole their resources

And left behind a poisoned land

A leader rose in Venezuela

His name was Hugo Chavez

He held forth a dream and a promise

A revival of the Bolivarian revolution

A return of power to the people

An end to soul-crushing poverty

An embrace of true democracy

In Venezuela and beyond


He delivered on that dream

In some measure for a while

He delivered food and health care

He gave rise to people’s hopes

But the power of the privileged class

Forced him to compromise

He lost hold of the dream

He lost hold of his principles

He lost hold of his pride


The nation he handed to his successor

Was a shadow of what it was

No longer a vibrant growing country

No longer one of promise or of hope

Nicolas Maduro took the reins and

Drove the nation off a cliff

He chose the way of power

He chose the way of wealth


Now the people of Venezuela suffer

In hunger and desperation

Poverty of spirit and of wealth

They flee in masses to the north

Where life can be no harder than it is


Nicolas Maduro: Let go of your power

Let go of your wealth

Retain some semblance of your pride

Until democracy is restored

There is no hope

And the Bolivarian revolution

Is but a dream


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