Constructive Action
Constructive action is the fruit of knowledge
So the wise ones say *
Without knowledge we are wandering
Through the open fields of play
It is not enough to know
It is not enough to worry
Let your true feelings show
Whose favor would you curry?
We are our greatest enemies
We block the way of progress
To sit and feel a sense of ease
To fail our nation’s test
Americans will always rise
When our republic is in danger
From foreign or domestic spies
Our “leaders” or wealthy strangers
It’s not enough to shake our heads
To grimace in despair
To scoff at something someone said
To know it is not fair
So raise your hand and take a pledge
To vote each chance you get
Our virtue balanced on the edge
Our courage must be set
Let those who can take to the streets
Let others form alliance
Take hands with everyone you meet
Resistance and defiance!
* Chinese fortune cookie
(for John Miles)