Showing posts with label Trump Chronicles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Chronicles. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

Nullification (14th Amendment)




If the president can nullify the constitution

With the waving of his pen

Erase the founders’ contribution

Just how can we pretend?

There is no constitution at all


If the president by his decree

With the power of the gods and fate

Can tell us what the law will be

Then the constitution of the United States

In all its vaunted majesty must fall


If the Court upholds this grievous act

To expose our constitution’s flaw

Then they become political hacks

Without regard for the rule of law

Then they’ve betrayed us all


A person born in freedom’s land

Is a citizen by entitled right

He should not fear to take a stand

Or hide or from the law take flight

All citizens stand brave and tall


(Trump negates birthright citizenship

by executive decree.)


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Words Fail


Words Fail


I don’t know what you learned in school

The Civil War was right against wrong

It was not a primeval dual

The Bill of Rights is not a song

We oppose a one-man rule

We’re better off if we get along

Fascism is never cool

In unity we are strong


When he says he will imprison those

Who oppose his infallible will

That is how fascism rose

It is clearly with us still

Everyone with an open mind knows

As our measure of outrage fills

The threat to our republic grows

They are closing for the kill


We will not give up the fight

We will stand on solid ground

We will keep our foes in sight

We will keep our friends around

We will bind our cause to the light

Until at last we’re homeward bound

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Destroyer of Democracy


Destroyer of Democracy *


Destroyer of democracy thy name is Trump

Like a junkyard dog that lives in a dump

You bark at everyone you see

You tell yourself they’re just like me


You look in the mirror and call out Scum!

You see yourself in every bum

You saw the news and said It’s true!

But that’s not something I would do

It must be someone else instead

Let’s turn the whole thing on its head


I am the King of all I see!

And that includes democracy!

I’m not the man they say I am

And if I am who gives a damn!


* Trump calls out Biden


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Shame of the Nation


Shame of the Nation


To the shame of this great nation

And the electoral college scheme

We elected a golden-haired buffoon

With the power to end the dream


We now stand on the very threshold

Of a brutal authoritarian regime

All because we were confused

Between the party and the team


And so we voted for an ego

Who thought he was a mighty king

To the cause of his almightiness

Without pause he would do anything


Yes we voted for a senseless monster

And we might vote for him again

Just to witness his unhinged revenge

In the event that he should win


Say goodbye to our democracy

Say farewell to all our laws

As everything must now conform

To his divine and vicious cause


Thursday, September 07, 2023





It is insufficient that he openly

sympathized with white supremacists


It is insufficient that he neglected a

global pandemic


It is insufficient that he stood with

the international enemies of democracy


It is insufficient that he pressured a

foreign leader to serve his political cause


It is insufficient that he served a foreign

adversary in degrading our allies


It is insufficient that his only legislative

accomplishment was a tax break for the

corporate elite


It is insufficient that he profited

from holding high office


But when he called for, organized and

incited insurrection he became ineligible

for the presidency


Monday, August 28, 2023





They say he is redeemed

He was a man of sin

But he has bowed before the lord

He is not who he has been

He has yielded to temptation

But now he stays the course

But you cannot have redemption

Without remorse


He acknowledges his sins

But that was in the past

Would he do it all again?

How long would it last?

He pleads for his redemption

Now that justice is on course

But you cannot have redemption

Without remorse


He is obsessed with vengeance

His mind is filled with grief

He is willing to show sorrow

But it defies belief

The threat of years in prison

Is a powerfully moving force

And you cannot have redemption

Without remorse


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Pledge (America)


The Pledge (Equality for All)



Never have you woven such a tale

A man so brazen and so craven

All tests of credibility would fail



We have chosen crooked men before

The epically immoral and amoral

But never one so twisted to the core



You will survive this horrible attack

There always has and will be traitors

But the people rise to fight it back



Your history is one of moral compromise

Genocide and slavery and liberty denied

In time you’ve learned to be more wise



Bow your head in mortal shame

We should have known he was a snake

Take a vow to never say his name



We stand as one and fight for you

You are the greatest hope of humankind

We pray your cause is just and true



We work so that your honor will not fall

For everyone who pledges to your flag

For liberty justice and equality for all


Monday, June 12, 2023

Thirty-Seven Counts


Thirty-seven Counts


Thirty-seven counts of federal crime

Not a single one is treason

Many counts of misconduct

Many more of malfeasance


When will he be brought to bear

For inciting a mob to violence

For organizing a coup d’état

The highest of all offense


He made a fool of government

He used us to make money

Some laughed at his buffoonery

But it was never really funny


Now he must go to trial

To stand before judge and jury

If they want to convict him

They’d better do it in a hurry


Thirty-seven counts of negligence

Thirty-seven counts of losing

Counts of hiding evidence

Does he still find it so amusing?


Wednesday, April 05, 2023

The Arraignment


The Arraignment


Lord knows it took a while

The squeaky wheels of justice turn

The former leader goes to trial

The flames of payback burn


The man no one could ever touch

Who always skated ‘round the law

His confidence was way too much

His manners much too raw


But time runs out for everyone

The proudest and the best

The slumlord’s spoiled little son

Did not survive his latest test


He can’t believe what’s going down

How can this world be so unfair?

I’m the man who sold this town!

Sorry Donald, no one cares


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Therefore I Won



Therefore I Won (Ode to the Don)


I was winning; therefore I won

  You must wait until it’s done

  The song’s not over until it’s sung

But I was winning; therefore I won


Do not be a fool my friend

The race is run until the end

There is no trophy to be held

Until the enemy is felled


But I was winning; therefore I won

  A greater folly cannot be known

My wife, my daughter and my sons

  In time you will atone

They all agree I am the one

  The truth comes when you’re alone

Who never loses, always wins

  It is a long and sorry tome

Losing is a sin


I was winning; therefore I won 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022





Madmen and grifters arise!

Politicians in disguise

The mother of all gargantuan asses

It cuts across all classes

Muse of ghoulish antebellum gardeners

Saddle up and hop on pardners

Morons and goose-steppers act

White is right and that’s a fact

Meddling awful greasy antagonists

All eyes drawn to our protagonist

Moping in agreement, groaning ascent

The mood is up, the mind is bent

As modern ancients gain anxiety

A scourge upon our whole society

Milling arachnids give us answers

It spreads like a malignant cancer

Maudlin associates in Greater Antilles

The very thought gives me the willies

Make it all go away

We don’t need them today


Monday, January 04, 2021





Mr. President: You stand accused!


Of summoning the power of state

To overrule the will of the people

And overturn a free and fair election


You stand accused!


Of undermining our democracy

With every breath you take

With every false declaration

With every truth you forsake


You stand accused!


Of enticing military officers

Gutless leaders and public officials

To undertake a graceless coup

A betrayal of epic proportions

In plain broad view


You stand accused!


Of disgracing the office you hold

The empire you once led

And the party you still lead

You’ve bled it till it’s dead


You stand accused!


Of inciting militia and gun owners

To violence on the streets

A rebel force to rise

To take and give their lives

So that you may gather riches

In schemes that you’ve devised


You stand accused!


Of abandoning all reason

Of betraying all principle

Of shaming the heart of shame

And tainting your family name

Now until the end of time

You’ve only yourself to blame


You sir stand accused!


How do you plead?

Guilty! Guilty!

And guilty again! 


(regards to Emile Zola)


Wednesday, July 17, 2019




By Jack Random

“I think the base of the party wants bold leadership right now, and they might start wondering why the Speaker of the House and the party leader is spending time attacking progressive members. And down the road, they might start wondering what other House leadership might look like.” 

Waleed Shahid, Justice Democrats

There is a war going on within the Democratic Party, pitting the young and dynamic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez against the elder Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.  It might surprise diehard Republicans that the woman they have vilified for the last three decades represents the moderate voice of the party. 

If we have learned anything from history it is this:  Today’s moderate is tomorrow’s conservative.  The future belongs to the young, the bold and the progressive. 

Say hello to a brave new world, Nancy Pelosi:  Your time has passed.  Yes, you made a point that I made four years ago by paraphrasing Trump’s motto:  Make America White Again.  But when the best you could do in response to Trump’s racist attack on four new members of the House is an invitation for the White House to join you in immigration reform, your time has passed.  You come up short.  You stand in the way of badly need change. 

The resolution of the internal Democratic Party conflict in favor of Ocasio-Cortez is as inevitable as the finality of the third act.  That same conflict is playing out in the selection of a candidate to oppose Donald Trump in the coming presidential election.  On that the future of the republic, the free world and the planet depends on a wise and astute resolution. 

The conflict is between the moderates who have governed the party virtually unrivaled since the election of Bill Clinton and the true progressives who have always been the neglected heart and soul of the party.  The moderates have always argued that the time’s not right to stand up for principles.  We have to be rational.  We have to be willing to bend, to compromise and to work with the other side.  The true progressives always counter:  If not now, when?  We’ve played your game too long.  We’ve waited for meaningful, fundamental change too long.  The time is now!  The people are yearning for change!  Then we give way.

The American electorate is as rational as a caged beast.  The political class repeatedly struggles to make sense of that which does not make sense.  Why did working people vote for Ronald Reagan?  Reagan did more than any other single president to destroy the middle class by eviscerating trade unions in America.  Did workers understand this?  Did they act rationally in assuring the demise of their children’s future? 

Did the American electorate act rationally in electing George W. Bush to not one but two terms in office?  After he had revealed himself a front for the neocon war machine led by his vice president, the people rewarded him with a mandate to continue the destruction?  After he came as close as any leader could to triggering a worldwide depression, who’s to say we would not have given him yet another chance?  After all, he seemed a good old boy. 

Democrat Bill Clinton did more than any other president to close the gap between conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat, by selling out the fundamental principles of his own party.  Clinton transformed the Democrats into a party of Wall Street with a conscience on social issues ensuring that the people would have even less of a choice than they had before.  Still, the people rewarded him with two terms in the White House. 

It can be argued that the two-party system has offered little choice in selecting a president.  It is undeniable that the Electoral College and systemic corruption often allow for rule by the minority but it does not follow that Americans are rational in casting their votes. 

Reagan represented government of the rich, for the elite and by the privileged yet he is worshipped to this day by ordinary Americans who still remember the iconic leader as their man.  George W. Bush should never have won a first term no less a second and Bill Clinton is still held in high regard among old-line Democrats. 

Americans are not rational.  We are as a group unpredictable and instinctive.  We choose presidents like we select salad dressing:  We stick to what we know and trust unless something catches our eye.  If we’re born Republican we vote Republican unless someone gives us a compelling reason to change.  If our parents voted Democrat we vote Democrat without regard for the issues.  It’s a team sport and we inherit our allegiances. 

Choosing a president according to the law of electability is doomed to failure and always has been.  Donald Trump stole the last presidential election from a field of Republican has-beens and Hillary Clinton because he offered something completely different.  Like Bernie Sanders on the other side, he stood out.  Like a rock star on a stage with folk musicians, he commanded the spotlight.  Rationally, he didn’t stand a chance.  But Americans were and remain sick of the standard politician.  No one believed a word Clinton spoke because she didn’t believe it.  She played out the script without passion or conviction.  Trump called bullshit and with a little help from his friends in Moscow and the Electoral College he took down the political establishment and stood it on its head. 

Four years later we are walking down the same tired path that gave us the least inspired choice from a field of uninspired choices: the path of pragmatism.  The argument goes:  We don’t really care what the candidate stands for as long as he or she can knock Trump around and send him back to Manhattan to face the wrath of justice.  When you start with a false premise, a series of false conclusions follow:  Hillary Clinton lost and Hillary Clinton is a woman; therefore a woman cannot beat Donald Trump.  Trump is a backlash to a black president; therefore only a white candidate can beat Trump. 

These are profoundly wrong conclusions founded on a desperately wrong premise. 

Allow me to play the pundit for one slim moment:  Donald Trump will beat back a pragmatic candidate like a dirty old rug.  Pragmatism is the great compromise.  It is neither left nor right.  It lacks passion because it has no principles or values to guide it.  Pragmatism is afraid of words like socialism, radical and leftist.  A pragmatist trembles at the slightest hint of criticism.  Pragmatism is afraid to call a racist a racist.  A pragmatist follows every statement of substance with a qualifier:  We have to address climate change as the crisis it is but we have to do it in a way that doesn’t damage our economic interests.  We have to get out of Afghanistan but we must protect our strategic interests. 

If it sounds familiar it should.  Kamala Harris wants to withdraw from Afghanistan but “in a responsible way.”  [1]

Former VP Joe Biden supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but now wants us to believe he will end those conflicts.  Biden favored the Trans Pacific Partnership though he insists he supports Fair Trade.  His current positions are as clear as mud, suggesting a strategy of triangulation if not obfuscation.  He doesn’t want you to know what his positions are; he just wants you to trust him. 

Biden opposes Medicare for All because it will spell the end of Obamacare.  He doesn’t seem to realize how badly Obamacare has failed to control the costs of healthcare.  He wants us to know that our taxes will go up but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if you eliminate a trillion dollar industry – the health insurance industry – ordinary people will save a great deal despite a raise in taxes. 

Senators Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar deliver the progressive positions on trade policy and universal healthcare but when push comes to shove they tend to fall back:  Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.  [2]

We know.  We understand.  We didn’t let “perfect” stand in the way of Obama’s retrograde compromises on trade (Trans-Pacific Partnership), healthcare (he didn’t even propose the public option) or the longest war in American history (Afghanistan).  We didn’t let “perfect” get in the way of nominating Hillary Clinton.  The progressive left is famous for compromise.  It’s what we’ve always done.  Maybe it’s time we tried something new. 

If you really want to lose to Donald Trump again go down that middle road.  Say goodbye to an army of activists eager to walk precincts and work the phones for a candidate they can believe in.  Nominate a moderate and he’ll be back-stepping from the first debate to Election Day. 

That’s the day we lose.  Again.  To Donald J. Trump. 

If you want to win, nominate someone who possesses the courage of her convictions.  Nominate someone who will call a spade a spade and a Trump a Trump.  Nominate someone who is not afraid of words.  Nominate someone who will fire back when fired on. 

There’s still plenty of time for a candidate to emerge from the pack.  There’s still time for those who have flirted with moderation to find stronger ground.  I’m waiting.  America is waiting.  We don’t want another four minutes of Donald Trump – no less four years. 

Stand up for the people!  Stand up for impeachment!  Stand up for Ocasio-Cortez and the Justice Democrats!  Stand up for Fair Trade, an end to stupid wars and universal healthcare. 

Stand up and you will be amazed at how many of us stand ready to follow. 


1.  Rachel Maddow Show, January 23, 2019.

2.  The People’s View.  “Enemies Among Us:  An Open Letter to Those Attacking Senator Cory Booker,” January 15, 2019.