White Flag
Black Kettle camped under a flag of peace
Where the white man told him to
At Big Sandy Creek
Few warriors remained at his camp
Of mostly Cheyenne and Arapaho
Old men, women and children
Colonel Chivington and his Colorado
Volunteers attacked at daybreak
Slaughtering people like cattle
Taking scalps and body parts
To commemorate the carnage
The volunteers were hailed as heroes
Until the true story was told
Black Kettle survived
Four years later almost to the day
A cold day November 1868
The Washita River Massacre
Completed his tragic fate
Killed by Colonel Custer
Under a white flag of peace
Eight years later Custer’s
Story was also complete
When he and his Seventh Cavalry
Were slaughtered in defeat
The white flag has no meaning
To those with murder in their hearts
As long as leaders have no honor
They will rip this world apart
(Note: Israeli soldiers mistakenly kill
three Israeli hostages carrying a white