The Unraveling
A mercenary force strikes
at the heart of the Kremlin
Capturing the center of operations
for the war in Ukraine
Cracking the myth of Putin’s invincibility
The march to Moscow aborted
The damage is irreversible
The mercenary warlord is empowered
Putin’s reputation is torn and tattered
The unraveling begins
If one man can defy the dictator
why not another?
Why not an uprising?
Why not a rebellion?
If one man can condemn the military
how long will the generals remain loyal?
For the first time in decades
the question must be asked:
Who holds the reins of power?
Where is Putin now?
That he has miscalculated is clear
He miscalculated in invading Ukraine
He overestimated his authority
His control over the mercenary forces
If the warlord lives beyond tomorrow
Vladimir Putin will fall
Fall from grace
Fall from favor
Fall from the seat of power