Monday, April 01, 2024





Our enemies wear many faces

Some poison our water and air

Some despise the darker races

Nearly all pretend they care


Netanyahu is an enemy of peace

Elon Musk is an enemy of truth

Vladimir Putin is a villainous beast

We’ll decide in the voting booth


There are many who have sold their souls

For some money or a piece of the action

There are many who play lesser roles

Who charade as an angry faction


To defeat our true enemies all

We must recognize who they are

One by one we must see them fall

To lift up our virtuous star

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Way it Was


The Way it Was


I remember when there were no gays

High school kids showered together

There was no other way


I remember when the minorities

The blacks and browns and Asians

Lived in their own neighborhoods

Went to the same schools

They weren’t the best neighborhoods

They were broken down houses

And secondhand schools

But as far as we knew

(and as far as we know today)

They liked it that way


I remember when the boys got all the glory

The girls were their cheerleaders

Boys ran for president

Girls were secretaries

Men got bigger paychecks

Women were their servants

Men did the “hard” jobs

Women ran the home

Men did all the talking

Women didn’t have much to say

For all we knew and know

They liked it that way


I remember when it was cool to say

I’m free white and twenty-one

We were the chosen ones

We were the privileged ones

The world revolved around us

And that was okay

As far as we knew and know

We all like it that way


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Contrasts (Light and Darkness)




How can we breathe the fresh clean air

When we know what is happening elsewhere?

In Haiti there is no order

In Nicaragua and Mexico

There is no border


How can we send our children to school

To teach and embrace the golden rule?

When schools in Kiev are underground

When there is no school in Gaza

In Yemen the schools left town


How can we enjoy our fresh cooked meals

When elsewhere there is starvation?

When hungry children go to sleep

There is no grain, there is no meat

When what you sow is what you reap

When rescue workers are killed or beat


How can we live in peace when

Around the world there is only war?

We fight for greed and vengeance

When men in power want only more

When more is never ever enough

When the wealthy consume the poor


How can we go on without care

With killing and hardship everywhere

How can we live our happy lives

When so many live in despair?

When we know we are no better than

When we know it is not fair?


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Children of Gaza


The Children of Gaza


The act of genocide

Can no longer be denied

The death and destruction

Cuts deep inside


When will we make an end?

On what does it depend?

A policy of vengeance

We can no longer defend


There are too many dead

Too many without bread

And none of us believe

A word Netanyahu said


We must end our support

Take the murderers to court

Put a stop to the killing

Playing out like a sport


The children are dying

Their mothers are crying

And all we can do

Is to say we are trying


End the war!

End the occupation!



Monday, March 25, 2024

Indentured Servitude


Indentured Servitude (India)


It’s a fine line between slavery

And indentured servitude

For the sugar workers of India

Servitude may be worse

Child labor is commonplace

Arranged marriage and hysterectomy

Keeps the workers in the fields

Where they labor endless hours

Without drink or a moment’s rest

To pay back loans they can never repay


The plantation owners get away with it

The same way American corporations do

They use contractors to hire workers

To transport them across the land

To build their debt of servitude

If they are forced to make account

They dissolve and take a new name

The system evolved over decades

To keep the cost of labor down


Every doctor or dentist visit

Every wedding or sick day

Goes on the worker’s bill

The long trip from home

The cost of a decent meal

It all goes on the bill


It is no better than slavery

It is in substance no different


This is how modern corporations

Keep the institution of slavery alive

This is how Coke and Pepsi

Deliver beverages to your market

And maximize profits to shareholders


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Moscow Carnage


Moscow Carnage


An attack on art

Is an attack on humanity

The attack outside of Moscow

On a gathering of concert goers

(like the concert goers in Israel)

Is beyond the pale inhuman

The perpetrators of the massacre

Though they wear religious guise

Are the scum of the earth

Self-righteous killers

Beneath contempt


But those who blame Ukraine

Knowing well the lie they tell

Deserve a one-way ticket

Straight to hell


How many concert halls and schools

Were targeted in Ukraine

How many hospitals and libraries

How many gyms and shopping malls


Those who attacked the Crocus Concert

Hall are evil terrorists

Just as Russia under Vladimir Putin

Is an evil terrorist nation


Saturday, March 23, 2024





The disease that was once eradicated

Is back like a thundering storm

All because the kids weren’t vaccinated

Their parents went against the norm


Measles and mumps were a scourge

That took far too many lives

The numbers have begun to surge

As the spirit of denial thrives


There is a price for ignoring science

And that price can be most dear

There’s a price for unknowing defiance

And the due date is drawing near


Believe what you want to believe

But spare the next generation

Don’t allow them to be deceived

Be sure they get their vaccinations


Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Great Disturbance


The Great Disturbance


There is a great disturbance across the land

One side believes one man is our salvation

The other believes with all their hearts

That man will destroy the nation


Is there any chance we can come together

When our convictions are so apart?

It’s as if we were raised in different lands

One of the mind and one of the heart


We feel the heat and call it cold

Some say summer, others spring

We are divided young and old

We don’t agree on anything


Yet we were raised on common ground

We must find that ground again

The nation that our fathers found

Is blowing in the wind


Let’s find a way to understand

To bridge the great divide

Let freedom ring across the land

No matter what your side


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Sympathy for the Devil



Sympathy for the Devil


A man in the oval office

Who fell under Vladimir’s spell

Expresses admiration for Adolf

Paving a dismal road to hell


He will surely throw Ukraine under

Taiwan has cause to worry

Russia will charge like rolling thunder

NATO should arm in a hurry


One step away from seizing power

A power he will not surrender

Unless we rise in the final hours

The people as the last defender


He has sympathy for the devil

And this devil has a name

The dictators of the world unite

The ones who have no shame


Monday, March 18, 2024

Hong Kong Lament



Hong Kong Lament


If you’d like to see what the future holds

Take a good long look at Hong Kong

When democracy is bought and sold

The future won’t be long


In the name of law and order

Dissent defined as treason

If you live under the oppressor’s thumb

You don’t give them a reason


To speak your mind in any setting

Is to take a giant chance

There are many who are suffering

For taking a dissident stance


If you think it could not happen here

Consider the choice we face

An elder and an autocrat

The choice is a disgrace


Choose one and it’s a gamble

Choose the other and it’s assured

The sound of freedom running

Will be the last thing that we heard


Sunday, March 17, 2024

In Praise of Autonomy


In Praise of Autonomy


When our former president

Who shall not be named

Gives praise to a foreign autocrat

He should be ashamed


Viktor Orban of Hungary

Is a cruel and ruthless leader

Whose crackdown on democracy

Should terrify every reader


A man who praises dictators

Is telling us too much

Unless you want dictatorship

This man is out of touch


He proclaims himself above the law

All glory to his self

If you dare to oppose him

He’ll send you straight to hell


We’ll lose our treasured freedom

To speak out in dissent

One day we’ll simply wake up

And wonder where it went


Saturday, March 16, 2024

The John Lewis Bridge


The John Lewis Bridge


Edmund Pettus was a leader of the KKK

They named a bridge after him

And on that bridge years later

They beat the hell out of black marchers

Marching for equal rights

Marching for the right to vote

Marching to be recognized


In an enlightened age there would be

no Edmund Pettus Bridge

It would be torn down stone by stone

Iron beam by iron beam

Scattered across the nation

Placed in museums and town halls

to remind us of our former ignorance


Instead let us remove the name of

Edmund Pettus and replace it with

one of the brave souls beaten on that

fateful day: The John Lewis Bridge


Let it be remembered by all who cross

the price that was paid that day


Let it serve as a reminder of the triumph

of the human spirit

The power of light over the darkness

Of good over evil


Friday, March 15, 2024

The Invisible Hand


The Invisible Hand


We have lost Ukraine

Or we are surely losing

Because our Republicans in congress

No longer feel the pain

They suffer from an invisible hand

Implanted deep within their brains

The hand of their invisible leader

Who himself suffers an invisible hand

Implanted within his brain


We are losing every battle

And soon we will lose the war

As the Republicans in congress plead:

  We have given enough already

  We cannot give you more

But the truth is another story

About a cancer in the halls of glory

The hands that pull the purse strings

Have closed the funding door