Tears for Henry
The man who toppled Salvador Allende
The man who championed dictatorship
The man who won a Nobel Peace Prize
For carpet bombing Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam
The man who never saw a strongman he didn’t love
The man who held Nixon’s hand through
The sorry days of Watergate
The man who said we should never let an election
Stand in the way of our interests
The man who was in love with power
The man who tried to forge an empire
He died today at the round age of one hundred
One wonders if he negotiated a deal with the reaper
How many lives for one old man?
Shall we shed a tear for Henry?
How many tears did he shed for Chile?
How many for Argentina?
How many tears for Southeast Asia?
How many for the innocents lost?
I am sorry for his family
I’m sorry for those who loved him
I’m sorry for those who fell to his diplomatic sword
But I have no tears for Henry
He was and always will be a war criminal
A man without a heart