Monday, September 11, 2023

Twenty-Two Years


Twenty-two Years (IXXI)


Twenty-two years

We remember clearly

What happened that day

Where we were

What we were doing

How it was first relayed

A plane flew into the World Trade Center

I once lived just down the avenue

Took the elevator to the top

Top of the world, ma!

Top of the world!

There was a transparent walkway

Connecting the two towers

Like the walkway over Grand Canyon

A sight so inspired you could

Hear the heartbeat of God


It was a mystery at first

A horribly tragic mystery

How could anyone fly into the tower?

Then it happened again

A plane hit the second tower

That’s when we knew

This tragedy – unlike so many others –

Would alter the fabric of our world


Twenty-two years later

We bear witness to what happened

That dreadful imprinted day

And all the horrors that followed

The mistakes that we made


Twenty-two years later

We know the Saudis were responsible

Not Iraq, not Iran, not Afghanistan

But the Saudis were our allies

Our oil buddies

Someone else had to take the blame


Twenty-two years later

We live with the consequences of

Decisions made that day

For those who do and those who do not

We bow our heads and pray


(For all the heroes of that fateful day

and all the days that followed.)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Colossal Errors


Colossal Errors


It was a mistake to allow the electoral

college to survive beyond the year 2000


It was a mistake to waste decades pretending

manmade climate change was not real


It was a mistake not to prosecute LBJ

for the Gulf of Tonkin mythology


It was a mistake for Gerald Ford to pardon

Richard Nixon quid pro quo for his

crimes against democracy


It was a mistake to sacrifice American workers

to the gods of cheap labor in China, India and

other third world nations


It was a mistake to imprison millions of

poor Americans in the name of

the war on drugs


It was a mistake to attack Afghanistan and

Iraq for the crimes of a Saudi terrorist sect


It was a mistake not to outlaw designer

districting and disenfranchisement

long, long ago


It was a mistake to rip the heart out

of Voting Rights and Civil Rights


Our proud nation has neglected so many

essential institutions of democracy for

so very long it would take a miracle to

save it now without unspeakable hardship

Saturday, September 09, 2023

The Angry Earth



The Angry Earth


The earth is not angry

The earth does not yearn for vengeance

The earth does not bathe in sorrow

The earth does not rejoice

The earth is indifferent to the plight of man

The earth observes with abandon


As the hurricanes grow and strike terror

As a monster quake buries Morocco

As behemoth storms roll across the land

As tsunamis spring from ocean depths

As floods turn deserts into mud

As glaciers fall into swollen seas

As people are ravaged by disease

The earth does not raise its brow

The earth does not cry out in pain


The earth is not angry

The earth is indifferent to our fate

If humanity wishes to find blame

She should look to her own reflection


Thursday, September 07, 2023





It is insufficient that he openly

sympathized with white supremacists


It is insufficient that he neglected a

global pandemic


It is insufficient that he stood with

the international enemies of democracy


It is insufficient that he pressured a

foreign leader to serve his political cause


It is insufficient that he served a foreign

adversary in degrading our allies


It is insufficient that his only legislative

accomplishment was a tax break for the

corporate elite


It is insufficient that he profited

from holding high office


But when he called for, organized and

incited insurrection he became ineligible

for the presidency


Wednesday, September 06, 2023

The Bush Men


The Bush Men


Some never know when to move on

They hang on past their expiration date

It happens to old baseball players

It happens to actors and politicians

It happens to people who can’t let go

They become the subjects of pity

They become jokes at cocktail parties

They misinterpret the laughter as joy

Sometimes we can share the laughs

Other times it’s just too pathetic

It summons memories of tragedy

It recalls hypocrisy and lies

It brings an ache to our hearts

For example: The Bush Men

The neoconservative war mongers

The ones who dragged us into war

On the pretense of global terrorism

The lies still bite

The wounds still bleed

Their crimes against humanity

Still beg for retribution

Lower the curtain, turn out the lights

And bid them walk away

They have no place on the world stage

Walk away and say goodnight


Monday, September 04, 2023

Putin Makes the Rounds


Putin Makes the Rounds


Putin makes the rounds

Erdogan and Kim Jong Un

Walking on shaky grounds

Striking a discordant tune


Putin wants it all

The weapons and the grain

On the border of China

In the war on Ukraine


Watch out for what you wish for

It just might come true

Knocking at your door

Your debt is coming due


Putin is a pariah

Everywhere he goes

Acting like the messiah

His horns begin to show


They don’t like you in the east

They like you less in Istanbul

They despise like a beast

Or they regard you as a fool


Sunday, September 03, 2023

Blood Moon


Blood Moon


Blood moon springs from a fire sky

Blood water flows in the canyon

Coyotes run and eagles fly

All hope here abandon


What more can we do or say?

How might we atone?

Would you have us bow and pray?

Will you leave us now alone?


Blood moon in a sky of gray

Streaking through the valley

Haze chasing back the day

Hiding in the alleys


What more can we say or do?

On whom can we depend?

Change our course from false to true

The beginning of the end


Saturday, September 02, 2023

Blowback Ukraine


Blowback Ukraine

You thought you could attack Ukraine

With absolute impunity

Missiles in the capital

Bombing in the community

Now the bombs come back at you

Now you pay the price

For the madman in the Kremlin

Who will never stop to think twice

About the killing of civilians

Or the bombing of the schools

But turn the bombs around and

They begin to look the fools

Now they’re taking bombs in Russia

And their people wonder why

Putin told them they were safe

Now bombs are falling form the sky

Tell your leaders to desist

This war has gone too far

If you have to fire missiles

Why not shoot them at the stars?


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Enemies of the Earth


Enemies of the Earth


Once there was a highest court

That cared about the air and water

The planet was our mother

The water was her daughter

But now the court is dark and grim

Guided by the holy dollar

The prospects of the planet dim

They care little for the land

As we stand before them pleading

The justices demand:

How much are you worth?

Bow down before your betters

The enemies of the earth


We bring a plague of shadows

We breathe a curse of hell

Our evil hearts begin to show

Sound warnings, ring the bells!

Who cares if skies grow darker?

What counts a million lives?

We’ve passed another marker

As corporate profits rise

To a generation of mutations

We will inevitably give birth

The future will remember us

The enemies of the earth


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Necessary Changes


Necessary Changes


Change does not come from magic

Change does not come from wishes

Change that is not worked for and earned

Comes from a constant wasting away

Foundations crumble from neglect

Machines rust and seize up

Institutions do the same


Necessary change must be planned

Necessary change must be plotted

Evolutionary change from revolutionary thought

The rest is only disintegration


Do nothing and watch it rot

Organize and watch it grow

We cannot be something we are not

Evolutionary changes are slow


Monday, August 28, 2023





They say he is redeemed

He was a man of sin

But he has bowed before the lord

He is not who he has been

He has yielded to temptation

But now he stays the course

But you cannot have redemption

Without remorse


He acknowledges his sins

But that was in the past

Would he do it all again?

How long would it last?

He pleads for his redemption

Now that justice is on course

But you cannot have redemption

Without remorse


He is obsessed with vengeance

His mind is filled with grief

He is willing to show sorrow

But it defies belief

The threat of years in prison

Is a powerfully moving force

And you cannot have redemption

Without remorse


Sunday, August 27, 2023

International Democracy Alliance


International Democracy Alliance (IDA)


The coup is a scourge on the world

A disease that destroys international order

A virus that kills indiscriminately

An invitation to the war machines


A peaceful transference of power

Is the antidote to perpetual struggle

An alternative to violent overthrow

An end to the endless chain of civil war


Form an alliance of civilized nations

Dedicated to representative government

An attack on the institutions of democracy

An attempt to impose autocracy

Or any other form of authoritarian rule

In any one member nation would require

  all to respond in kind


When democracy is the rule of order

We can begin to end the weapons trade

We can begin to end mercenary armies

We can begin to end the legitimization of

  securing power by violent means

We can begin to end corruption by

  uprooting its causes


Democracy is under international assault

All principled nations must band together

  in defense of democracy

Only when democracy is established on

  all continents can we work together

  toward a lasting peace


Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Rhine (River Series)


The Rhine (River Series)


Among the most glorious rivers of Europe

The Rhine courses through six nations

From its birth in the Netherlands

It traces borders dividing Switzerland and

Lichtenstein, between Austria and Germany

It defines much of the French-German border

The magnificent Rhine graces the grand cities of

Cologne, Duesseldorf, Rotterdam and Strasbourg

Combined with the Danube it fed and fueled

The Holy Roman Empire

To know the Rhine is to know much of the

History of Europe

A history of triumph, conquest and tragedy

For civilization follows the path of the great rivers

Wars are drawn to their boundaries

Fates are determined by their bounty

The Rhine is the glory of Europe

And yet may mark its decline