The Journey
The journey begins knowing
That barriers will be encountered
Plans will be made only
To be modified, scrapped
And made again
Begin with a positive frame of mind
Confident in your ability to alter the course
To adjust to changing circumstance
You march forward determined to
Take no steps backwards
You know the journey is a marathon
You will not rush to its end
You take each step deliberately
And with a purpose
You welcome adversity
You accept every challenge
As it presents itself
You rejoice at every victory
Every moment of achievement
Every turn of good fortune
You do not dwell in the past
You accept your mistakes and move on
You know that every journey
Will challenge your determination
Your endurance and fortitude
When you reach your journey’s end
You pause and give thanks
For every journey is a blessing
Even those that end in hardship
Even those that steal your strength
And leave you wanting
For every journey guides you
To your destiny