Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump World


Trump World


There’s no telling what he might say

The man deteriorates every day


In Trump world

Europe is our adversary

Russia is our friend


In Trump world

Mothers execute babies after birth


In Trump world

Schools turn little boys

Into little girls


In Trump world

Criminal migrants swarm the nation

From Colorado to Wisconsin

And no one is safe


In Trump world

Win or lose the streets will flow

With the blood of his revenge


In Trump world

He is not only God’s messenger

He is God’s holy warrior

God’s right hand of vengeance


In Trump world

We are all suspect

Lawyers, operatives, donors, agents

Voters and election officials

We will be sought, caught and prosecuted

To the fullest extent of the law


In Trump world

You and I are the enemy

And he vows to take us down


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