Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dirty Politics


Dirty Politics


When one side plays dirty

And covers its tracks

With anonymity or pretending

To be someone they’re not

(Russians pretending to be Americans

Or trolls pretending to be human)

Traditionally the other side

Reacts in kind

Dirt for dirt

Scum for scum

Nastiness for nastiness


When one side plays dirty

And the other plays clean

It’s up to the people to decipher

Truth from deception

Propaganda from fact

It’s up to the people to smell a rat

It falls to the people to weigh

The message against the messenger

And arrive at a reasoned conclusion


We know the truth

We are not fools

We see the crooked smiles

The con man grin

We recognize the hustle

Trust your gut

Trust your heart

Turn the rotten bastards around

And tell them where to go


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