Monday, January 30, 2023






It was January eleven

When lightning struck the heavens

Thunder rumbled across the sky

The eagle soared and the hawk cried

This night someone must die


It is the day of reckoning

All things must quake and fear

Behold the great forsakening

The judge is drawing near


We’ve lost all sense of order

All lines proclaiming borders

We wander through an endless night

Taking shells and mortars


The war we feared has just begun

There can be no more sorrow

For war is like a memory that

Lingers till tomorrow


There is no time for looking back

Reflections on the past

Thunder gives fair warning

Of lightning’s mortal blast


Sunday, January 29, 2023





Gathering place of the elite elite

People of power and greed

They come together to shine a light

To decide what futures to seed


This is no place of morality

Though they maintain a good pretense

They wish to sustain their monopolies

And ensure a strong defense


Some say they’re a secret society

Some call them the ruling class

They’re the power beneath the power

Their reach is deep and vast


Davos is the frozen playground

Of the global wunderkind

But those who have exquisite wealth

Seldom have exquisite minds


Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Summit of Knowledge


The Summit of Knowledge


We are a unique species

Unique to the experience of life on earth

We are driven in the pursuit of knowledge

We have invented language to that purpose

We have invented writing and the printing press

We have invented science to reach higher

in the pursuit of knowledge

We have invented the arts and philosophy

to reach beyond the limits of science

We have invented computers and

advanced technology

We have invented and invested in institutions

of higher learning

We have pushed and prodded the depths

of human understanding

Higher and higher and higher we reach

until at last we have breached the very

summit of all knowledge

and we have come to this conclusion:

We know nothing

We have always known nothing

We will never learn for there is nothing

to learn beyond the simple facts

of life and death

We are here and then we are gone

We are alive and then we are not

We may choose to be good to each other

or we may choose to be cruel

It is better to be good. 


Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Chinese Curse


The Chinese Curse


Covid is a disease

It is not a Chinese curse

The curse is their failure

to come forward with the truth

China, Brazil and Florida all

lied about their covid dead

The Chinese covered up the

origin and spread of the virus

They all covered up the infection

and the death rates

If you don’t test, you don’t diagnose

If you don’t diagnose it doesn’t exist

They practiced a policy of denial

Someday the truth will surface

It is emerging now in China

They failed to contain covid

They cracked down on the people

yet failed to control the spread

Now the crisis is imminent

and the world is intolerant

When you deny the truth

at a cost of countless lives

you sacrifice good faith

You are no longer trusted in

the community of nations


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Good War


The Good War


War is never good

Nor can any war ever be considered great

There are wars that are justified

and there are wars that are not

There are wars that are necessary to the

sustenance of human civilization

and there are wars that are fought

for greed and power


We have had too many wars for

greed and power

We have had too few wars for freedom,

justice and democracy

We always fly the flag of patriotism

We always claim a righteous cause

Too often it is a lie


The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and

Vietnam were lies

The war in Ukraine is not

The people of Afghanistan, Iraq and

Vietnam would not fight for our cause

for it was not their own

The people of Ukraine fight for their

own cause and welcome our assistance


Not since World War II has there been

a war so righteous

Not since WW II has there been

a cause so true


Ukraine is fighting for freedom, justice

and democracy against a brutal tyrant

War is never good but this war is

just and necessary


Monday, January 23, 2023

Israeli Democracy


Israeli Democracy


The people of Israel gather

in Tel Aviv’s Habima Square

by the tens of thousands

to protest Netanyahu’s attempt

to overturn Israeli democracy


He wishes to strip the judiciary

of its authority over parliament

and the Prime Minister


A government without judicial

review is not a democracy

A court without power is not a court

Democracy requires the rule of law

and an independent judiciary

The court is not an accessory

It is the heart of democracy


If you do not like your Supreme Court

ask yourself how it came to this

If the fault is in the process

change the process

If the fault is in yourselves

change yourselves


A people that does not value

democracy will surely lose it


Sunday, January 22, 2023

A New Day


A New Day


I’ve never seen a cloud

That did not dissipate

I’ve never faced a choice

That could not wait


Though it may barrel down

Like a shotgun blast

I’ve never seen a storm

That did not pass


The clouds that linger now

Will soon float away

The choices that are pressing

May press but will not stay


It is the way of life

That darkness comes and goes

Time may come a rumbling

But inevitably it slows


Though the winter of our sorrow

Seems it will not hide its face

The sun will rise, the morning glow

We will welcome a new day


Saturday, January 21, 2023



Ceaseless (for Ukraine)


Life is nothing if not ceaseless

It attacks like a plague of locusts

It imposes hardship after hardship

It test the limits of our endurance

It waits until we are vulnerable

It pounces like a hungry predator

Pounces when we’re defenseless

Leaves us bleeding and breathless

at the dark end of a forgotten alley


Life is often and repeatedly challenging

and yet we often and repeatedly survive

We are nothing if not resilient

Our most basic instinct is to defend

Stand strong and strike back

Exact a price for every blow

For every bead of sweat and drop of blood


We will not go down without a fight

We will fight for a thousand years

and still we will not yield

We will survive at all costs

We will prevail


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Zelensky Goes to Washington


Zelensky Goes to Washington


Like Churchill back in forty-one

Zelensky goes to Washington

To secure our government’s support

To make his stand and hold his court

To shame those who defy him

If you dare to doubt just try him

He fights for all democracies

He curses the autocracies

Putin is his evil foe

If you didn’t, now you know


The Kremlin will take notice

Zelensky has our POTUS

Europe stands the rest

Don’t put us to the test

It is time for you to calculate

Ukraine as an independent state

What that means to you *

Depends on what you do


* Putin


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Depravity at Dnipro


Depravity at Dnipro


When you have murdered civilians

by the tens of thousands

what prevents you from killing

thousands more?


When your crimes against humanity

are known to all the world

what constraints exist?


The devastation in Dnipro

summons memories of Dresden

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The bombing of London

The massacres at Mi Lai, Sand Creek

Washita and Wounded Knee

War crimes and crimes against humanity

that had no military value

Murder for murder’s sake

Terror as a weapon of war


There can be no forgiveness

for crimes such as these

They must be entered in the book

of human depravity

Add Dnipro to the list


Monday, January 16, 2023

Till (on MLK Day)


Till (on MLK Day)


A fine young man of fourteen years

He came down from the Windy City

He walked into a southern town

Where he found a woman pretty

He might have whistled

He might have smiled

The woman was offended

She was of gentile breeding

He was from slaves descended


Her husband and his brother

Took the boy away

They beat him down and cut him up

Put a bullet in his brain

They threw his body in the river

Where it drifted several days

When they finally pulled the body out

His bruised and bloated remains

His mother swore they would remember

The young man they had slain


The shocking death that shook a mountain

That echoed on the Hill

The boy they beat and shot that day

By the name of Emmett Till


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Deformity of the Soul


Deformity of the Soul


Remember Richard, Lord of Gloucester

Killer of his nephews in the Tower

Whose deformity of the spine

Was so pronounced that dogs barked

As he approached them


Richard was a villain with a pleasing tune

He charmed his victims before the blade


It would be wrong to judge a man

By his physical deformity and yet…

Many lives would have been spared

Had Richard been judged by his


How much easier it would be if we

could recognize deformities of the soul

as readily as we do those of the body

for though they may not be clear to the eyes

they are exposed to the other senses


Those with deformed souls are clammy

to the touch, sour to the taste

There is a faint sound of moaning and

their smell is of rotting corpses

We need only get close enough to

touch, taste and smell them to know

and be forewarned


But who among us is brave enough

to venture so close and live?


Saturday, January 14, 2023

El Paso


El Paso


The crisis in El Paso unfolds

Like a slow-motion catastrophe

A tsunami rolling over a coastal village

A hurricane in the ninth ward of New Orleans

A line of twisters rocking through tornado alley

A derailed freight train screeching with twisted metal


We see it coming

We observe it building to the moment of impact

We watch it unveiled in heart wrenching detail

but we are powerless to stop it


The freezing cold is moving down from the arctic

Barreling down like a Russian missile barrage

Honing in on the border of Texas and Mexico

Centering on the city of El Paso where hundreds

if not thousands of Nicaraguan asylum seekers

wait in huddled masses yearning to be free

Soon they will want only warmth and

shelter from the storm


We watch and wait from the other side

of our television screens

Pleading with people we do not know to

somehow come to their aid

Is there someone who can help?

Is there someone who can ease their suffering?

Or must we watch as we watched Katrina?

Must we watch as we watched Fukushima?

Must we watch as we watch so many

tragedies unfolding in slow motion from

the other side of the television screen? 


El Paso find your heart

El Paso find your empathy

Only you answer the call

Only you can ease the pain


Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Fed


The Fed


Inflation fuels our economic woes

Higher and higher the interest rate goes

The Fed is determined to force a recession

A little more push and we’ll get a depression


The greatest economy the world ever knew

We put it all in one man’s hands

The world must wonder what he will do

No orchestra here, it’s a one-man band


As long as inflation goes higher and higher

He wants unemployment to rise

Like a man in a flood afraid of a fire

His worry blocks out his wise


It is time to replace the man of all fears

With someone who knows and cares*

Someone who sees the threat that is near

And who forces the wealthy to share


* Senator Elizabeth Warren