Sunday, August 06, 2023

Nineteen Years (for Navalny)


Nineteen Years (for Navalny)


This is how dictators deal with opposition

Nineteen years in perpetual prison

For founding an independent press

For leading a political party

A sentence that will be renewed

Until the people forget or

Navalny breathes his last breath


As Putin does to Navalny

So Trump would do to all opponents

Should he recapture the White House


Hillary Clinton: Lock her up!

Hunter Biden: Lock him up!

Mike Pence: Hang him!

Jack Smith: Lock him up!

The Democratic Party: Lock them all up!


Navalny gets nineteen years

Nineteen years for speaking out

Nineteen years for democracy

Nineteen years for the truth

Nineteen years for opposing war


How many years will Joe Biden get?

How many years will Ari Melber get?

How many years will Gavin Newsom get?

How many years for journalists?

How many years for impartial judges?

How many years for dissident voices?

How many years for protesters?

How many years for you?

How many years for me?

Saturday, August 05, 2023

A Hero


A Hero


At times in our history

  A story marked with war

A person rises from obscurity

  Or from a distant shore

Who calms our insecurities

  Who rises to the test

Who grabs the call to destiny

  The finest and the best

Who honors truth and dignity

  Who guides us on the way

Who grabs us by the collar

  Who knows just what to say

No need to scream or holler

  A gentle touch will do

Who makes us stand much taller

  The false against the true


We need such a hero

To save us from ourselves

To lift us from our blindness

To deliver us from hell


We need a Joan of Arc

Without the supposition

A Napoleon Bonaparte

Without the bold ambition


We need a coalition

United to do good

Without the inhibitions

To do the things we should


Thursday, August 03, 2023

Children of War


Children of War


Everyone suffers the devastation of war

The death toll is too much to bear

But no one endures the suffering more

Than the children caught in its lair


Those who will never breathe free air

The soldiers who have sacrificed lives

The mothers and fathers whose tears we share

The husbands who lost their wives


Yet all of it pales to the fate of a child

Stolen from a mother’s arms

The heart and soul of innocence defiled

An unbearable depth of harm


Do what you must you makers of war

But leave the children alone

Do not breach that forbidden door

Hear the gods of sweet mercy moan


Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Floridian History


Floridian History


Native Americans were given land grants

West of the Mississippi, north of the Rio Grande


Choctaw and Cherokee were awarded free

Passage to Oklahoma where the wind blows

Free and the antelopes run wild


General Crook bravely led his troops against

A band of seasoned warriors, women and children

At Sand Creek and Washita River


The gallant Colonel Custer withstood a savage

Attack of Lakota and Cheyenne warriors

At the battle of Little Big Horn


The importation of African slaves was an

Opportunity enhancement program to prepare

Unskilled labor for the modern economy


The razing of Black Tulsa was the result of

Riots and angry mobs objecting to the violence

Suppression measures of law enforcement

And deputized lawful citizens


Lynching was the occasional result of over-

Zealous citizens taking the law into their

Own hands


The internment of Japanese Americans during

The Great War for freedom was simply for

their own protection


Prohibition and the enfranchisement of women

Were the result of wrong thinking and

Unfortunate misinformation


The separation of church and state goes

Against the constitution and the word of God


Donald Trump won two presidential

Elections by a landslide of law abiding free

White citizens


Monday, July 31, 2023

Go North (The Great Migration)



Go North (Northward Migration)


There was a time in the long ago

When the young listened to the old

I know it’s hard to believe it so

The old were wise, the young were bold


Go west, young man! the old advised

Where the air is clean and fresh

Give up your aged and tattered ties

The future’s in the west


So westward bound they rose and went

With dreams of wealth and health in tow

The fortunes saved were often spent

The westward trek was long and slow


Now the cry goes out once more

To those who seek a brighter day

The only way to go is north

A place where kids can run and play


Go north, young man, where hope survives

Go north to breathe clean air

Go north to keep your dreams alive

Go north if you still dare


Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Foundations of Peace in Ukraine



Foundations of Peace in Ukraine


The time must come for diplomacy

The people have suffered enough

Aggression cannot be rewarded yet

The war cannot continue forever


The foundations of a lasting peace

Involve concessions by both sides

Guarantees for both nations

Security, sovereignty and dignity


A just peace must begin with the acknowledgement

That Russia was and is the aggressor

That Russia violated international law

That Russia engaged in war crimes

That Russia is guilty of the crime of

Aggressive war


A just peace must begin with an understanding

That Ukraine posed no threat to Russia

That Ukraine is the victim nation

That every nation has a right to sovereignty

That every nation has a right to independence

That no nation should interfere in the

Sovereign affairs of others


Given these essential foundations

A negotiated peace must include

The guaranteed independence of Ukraine

The withdrawal of Russian forces

An end to the occupation of disputed territories

(Crimea and Eastern Ukraine)

Provisions for monitored referendums in

The disputed territories

Security guarantees for Russia against

Acts of aggression by NATO nations

A temporary moratorium on Ukrainian

Membership in NATO

Reparations from Russia to Ukraine

For the destruction and suffering caused

By its aggressive war

Forgiveness of war crimes

Amnesty for war criminals


All nations must eventually learn that

An act or aggressive war is a crime against

The community of nations


The age of war must end


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Florida on Fire


Florida on Fire


One hundred degrees at Manatee Bay

An ocean warmer than the air

Don’t leave you pleasant home today

Don’t swim unless you dare


The coral reefs are all but gone

Red Tide is everywhere

Still the guvnor works the con

If it doesn’t bleed, he doesn’t care


The ocean rise is coming down

Miami’s on the run

The sea will turn a stunning brown

Before the change is done


You may believe or not believe

The climate doesn’t care

Soon there will be no relief

It’s all too much to bear


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Wo Israel!


Wo Israel


One giant leap for autocracy

On small step for a man

An historic defeat for democracy

In an ancient, faraway land


Wo Israel! You have lost your way

Wo Israel! You will rue the day

Wo Israel! There’s a price to pay

Wo Israel! Let us bow and pray


You knew when you chose this man

To lead you in the cause of war

When it came to a balance of power

Netanyahu would slam the door


Wo Israel! You have lost your way

Wo Israel! You will rue the day

Wo Israel! There’s a price to pay

Wo Israel! Let us bow and pray


Listen to the people, hear their cry

Turn back before it’s too late

Do not betray the sacred trust

The promise of the Jewish state


Wo Israel! You have lost your way

Wo Israel! You will rue the day

Wo Israel! There’s a price to pay

Wo Israel! Let us bow and pray


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Enemies of Democracy


Enemies of Democracy


Putin is a master propagandist

A pretender to democracy

His elections are a farce

He assaults the free press

He destroys political opposition

He attacks his democratic neighbors

For daring to choose their own leaders


Xi is a master of propaganda

Another pretender to democracy

Isn’t it strange how ruthless dictators

Find it necessary to pretend?

There is no genuine journalism

No institutions of free speech

No challenge to government dictates

No resistance to oppression


Erdogan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing

He exploits the religious right

He jails journalists and opposition

He punishes freedom of thought

He rules with the fist of fear

He maintains military control


Bolsonaro is a wannabe

He tried to negate a lawful election

He tried to silence the opposition

He tried to punish dissent

He failed


Netanyahu is a wannabe

He despises independent speech

He tried to gut the judiciary

He would destroy the free press

If he had half a chance

He would establish military rule


Trump is a threat to democracy

He admires only strongmen

He disrespects the rule of law

He wishes to use the justice department

To punish and silence his enemies

Given a chance he would end

Democracy in America and

Appoint an American King

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Fate of Europe


The Fate of Europe


London Berlin Paris Madrid

The warming takes its measure

Antwerp Prague and Amsterdam

Run short on summer leisure


The changing face of Europe

It’s sure to take its toll

From Portugal to Italy

They fear it steals your soul


Migration rolls from east to west

Each nation plays its part

Welcoming the labor force

With open arms and hearts


Beware the great white backlash

The ugly face of hate

Will Europe take the dark road

Or embrace a higher fate?


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Little Big Man Wins the Open!


Little Big Man (Brian Harman)


Little Big Man steps to the fore

Knocks it straight down the middle

A heart as big as the grandest lore

It doesn’t matter if you’re big or little


It’s all in how you play the game

Strike it hard and strike it true

Play as if you have no shame

Let the old become the new


Can he make it through the day

Through all the trials and tribulations

He has the grit to make it pay

Another round in fine tradition


In the end only one will stand

Have a drink and shed a tear

As fate would crown the little man

Champion golfer of the year!


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Somethings Gotta Give


Somethings Gotta Give


Reservoirs filled to the tipping point

Snowpack primed to melt away

Too many men on a lifeboat

Too many who want to stay

We’re waiting for the next disaster

We’re trying our best to live

We all know what comes after

Something has got to give


And nobody knows when it will be

When the walls come crashing down

Like a ship of fools lost at sea

We vanish without a sound


The actress made her final film

She pushed her friends away

They saw just what was happening

And no one wanted to play

They were waiting for her final take

They prayed she would want to live

She ended it for goodness sake

She had nothing left to give


And nobody knows when it will be

When it all comes tumbling down

Like a ship of fools lost at sea

We’ll vanish without a sound