Thursday, September 28, 2023

Heartless (Ode to Putin)





The man who does not blink an eye

Inflicting pain upon another

The woman who breaks others’ hearts

She has never found her own

The lonely child without a conscience

Who will never understand

The one who takes pleasure in others’ misfortune

The doctor who experiments upon the helpless

The trigger man for the mob

The singer who strikes every note

But never sheds a tear

The assassin who hits his mark from

A thousand paces

The general who orders his soldiers into

A hopeless battle

The commander who goes to war

To satisfy his ego


There are doubtless those who have no heart

The eternal question is:

Were they born heartless or

Did they lose it somewhere along the way?

We must hope it is the latter

For then they might find it again

But you cannot find what has never been

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Dust Bowl Emigre


Dust Bowl Émigré


This rich and fertile valley

Was made on the backs of émigré

Not from somewhere below the border

Nor from Ireland or Eastern Europe

Not from Canada or Germany

Nor Australia or the Far East

The ones who answered the call

To work the orchards and fields

To till the soil and work the land

To pick the peaches, oranges and nuts

To bring the crops to market

Were the poor white folks of Oklahoma

The tenant farmer of the Dust Bowl

As hard a worker who ever lived

They came by hard luck highways

Their belongings packed on old cars

That broke down along the way


When they overcame all hardships

And finally arrived in the Golden State

They were called disgraceful names

Okies and Arkies and dirt farmers

Who came to take our good jobs

To steal our women and commit mayhem

To ruin the state the gold diggers built

But they didn’t take our good jobs

They took what others wouldn’t do

They didn’t steal our women

They didn’t crimes or mayhem

Any more than anyone else did

They were good hard-working people

Poor as dirt but grim determined

They had no place else to go

They became the good citizens

Of the great central valley

Along with others of darker skin

Also good hard-working people

Together they built the foundations

Of the great state of Golden Gate


Ironic ain’t it? that the very same people

Who were derided and abused yesterday

Deride and abuse others today

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Russian Party of America


The Russian Party (RPA)


The Russian Party of America

Is on the front line in the war

Putin is the high commander

Trump is holding the door


The Speaker of the House

Is hardly worth his weight

He’s lost all of his authority

To control his party’s fate


The party of Ronald Reagan

Would not recognize itself

Instead of trust but verify

They’ll send us straight to hell


Soon the leader of our nation

Could owe allegiance to another

Like the child of another mother

We would be Putin’s little brother


In a world that’s lost its balance

When on balance we depend

We risk losing our democracy

From which we’ll never make amends


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Serving Putin


Serving Putin


We are not fooled

You are not the party of peace

You have always found money

To finance your wars of choice

You’ve even cooked the books

To hide your military spending

You have not suddenly found a conscience

You have not suddenly seen the light

You have not tired of endless wars

You’ve not grown weary of the fight


Your party has a new master now

He has transformed you into fools

You bow before his majesty

You cater to his rules

If he says jump you say how high?

You’ve become his lowly tools


But your master has a master too

His name is Vladimir

When he cries you all shed a tear

He tells you when and what to do


He’s losing on the battlefield

He is losing his great war

His last best chance at triumph is

To convince us it’s not worth fighting for


He has his American allies

Just like the Nazis did

When Trump tells us we can’t win

He’s bidding Putin’s bid


Saturday, September 23, 2023



The Mendacity of Menendez


There is no place in a democracy

For those who put their own enrichment

Ahead of the public good

There is no process of adjudication

That can explain away the facts

That will exonerate your character

You received a small fortune in cash

Gold, mortgages and no one knows

To represent the interests of Egypt

To represent an anti-democratic autocrat


A party that opposes insurrection

A party that decries mendacity

A party that condemns corruption

Cannot endure for a solemn moment

The self-serving greed you have displayed

A party that claims the moral high ground

Can have no tolerance for moral depravity


You have had your time in power

You have bathed in the light of fame

You may fight for vindication in court

But leave public service behind

If you do not resign, the party should expel you

If you do not resign, the good citizens of

New Jersey should recall you

For the good of the nation: Step down!


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Stealing Children


Stealing Children


The mother of all crimes

Against humanity and decency

The brazen theft of children

Stolen from their mothers’ arms

By the hundreds of thousands

To serve an enemy nation

To be reprogrammed as warriors

To be wiped of their culture

To be cleansed of their memories

To be stripped of their affections

To form an army of orphans

To fight against their homeland


Some crimes cannot be forgiven

Patricide, matricide, genocide

And this: Stealing children to fight

Against their own


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Ode to Israel


A Resistance of Principle (Ode to Israel)


You are wrong

You in the Knesset are wrong

You in the tower of high office

You are the enemies of democracy

You are the enemies of peace

You are losing the support of the soldiers

You have lost the support of the young

You will lose the support of the people

You have exceeded your authority

You have defied the rule of law

You are losing the respect of the world

Stop what you are doing

Reverse course

Cease and desist

The people join hands and rise against you

It is not too late to back down

Have the courage to admit you are wrong

When you face overwhelming opposition

Day after day night after night

You must turn around and look at yourself

You must rethink all that you have done

In the battle of principles you are wrong

Therefore you cannot win

The judgement of history will be harsh


Monday, September 18, 2023

Crossroads India


Crossroads India


India is at a crossroad

Torn between mass poverty and

economic opportunity

Institutionalized discrimination

Undermining rights of labor

Violations of human rights

Tempting shameful alliances

Its very democracy uncertain


India faces a distinct choice

Follow the path of the western world

Economic freedom and democracy

Equal rights for all

A path to fair trade policy

A vibrant free press

Or follow the road of China

Labor exploitation

Oppression of minorities

Egregious human rights

Suppression of dissent


The world’s largest democracy

Must turn its back on evil ways

And march proudly into a future

Of liberty and enlightenment

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Civil War


Civil War


Back in the days of racial unrest

When the cities burned with rage

When the FBI hunted panthers for sport

When the suburbs became gated communities

When fear gripped the psyche of America

When the children of peace went off

on their own

A friend whose skin was darker than mine

Looked into my eyes and said:

If the race war came I’d shoot you

That’s when I knew we had a problem


To those who say it could never happen

Take a good look around

People buying weapons like candy for Halloween

People so divided we look like postwar Berlin

People living in media bubbles and

Leaders feeding the mob

What I don’t see now and did not see before

the insurrection is the passion and the rage


So I look into your eyes and ask you:

Is that what you want?

Blood on the streets?

An era of violence and unrest?

Americans against Americans?

Civil war?


The hope of the nation and the world

is that the vast, vast majority of us

say no

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Buried in Mud


Buried in Mud (Libya)


To those who say

government doesn’t matter

Look to Libya

Where a monster storm combined

with government dysfunction

to bury ten thousand people

in a matter of hours


Years of civil war

An absence of civil society

A crumbling infrastructure

Chaos and disorder

The Libyan strongman is gone

Leaving a void in his wake

This is his lasting legacy

This is Libya’s cruel fate

Death and destruction

A dysfunctional state


We cry for the Libyan people

We mourn for their dead

We will lend our aid

To see their children are fed

What more we can do

We do not know

For a failed nation whose

Needs only grow

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Even (Endless War)


Even (Endless War)


There’s a thought we learn as kids

At the heart of every war

You take one of mine

I take one of yours


As long as we’re even

There’s nothing to fight for

You take one of ours

We take one of yours


Like marbles in a circle

Or pieces on a chess board

You take one of mine

I take one of yours


Somewhere down the line

According to the lore

The game shifted:

You take one of mine

We’ll take two of yours


And so the game progressed

With better weapons and more

You take one of ours

We’ll take ten of yours


But something happens to the heart

When you open up that door

If you take one of mine

We’ll fight an endless war


And there is no way to stop it

The want of vengeance always grows

Until everyone is suffering

Where it ends nobody knows


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Glorifying Killers



Glorifying Killers


When you glorify a killer

You guarantee the killing will go on

When you turn your back on genocide

The ghosts of genocide remain

Waiting for a chance to rise from the dead

When you rewrite history with lies

History will rise to write the future

Bosnia / Darfur / Rwanda / Cambodia

Each time we are horrified

Each time we swear: Never again!

Yet we return to bear witness

Again and again


We return with our promises

We return with our tears

We return with our rage

We return with our fears


Yet we allow the glorification of killers

We allow the falsification of history

The promise of never again

Begins with the truth

No matter how painful

No matter how hard to bear

The children must learn the truth

My Lai / Sand Creek / Wounded Knee

The truth

The unvarnished truth