Lost in Her Soul
She is not broken, she says
She is lost in her soul
The life she once lived
Scattered like shrapnel
In a free-fire zone
She survived the onslaught
She survived the occupation
She will survive the memories of war
But she is lost in her soul
She will be found again
She will be made whole
Can the same be said of the invaders?
Whose torment took a toll?
Can the same be said of Putin?
As if he ever had a soul
It is said he will not waver
He consults his dictator friends
He wants to prove he is not alone
On this his cause depends
China, India and Turkey
Will you answer his desperate pleas?
Will you side with the Russian madman?
Or will you recognize his disease?
The time is past for posturing
The time has come to take a stand
Are you for or against Putin’s attempt
To steal by force Ukrainian land?