In the misty haze of solitude
A change has enveloped my soul
I am no longer who I was
In the lost days of plenty
In the days we thought
Would last forever
I felt I needed no one then
I was an island in a flowing river
I had my love my family my closed
Circle of friends my chosen few
My circle is open now
Like blossoms in the heart of spring
I have discovered interdependency
While mortality has discovered me
In the solitude of forced confinement
The circles have found new order
The layers of protection break away
The layers of deception shatter
We are all fragile beings
In the loneliness of night
Yearning for connection
Yearning for common bonds
Yearning to understand
And to be understood
In the crisis of forced solitude
We are all the same
We want we need we hurt
We are vulnerable and exposed
Reaching for hands beyond our reach
Pleading for those we need